The highest good for science is truth revealed / by kevin murray

Mankind has developed the good ability to understand its own world, and continues to make progress along those lines, throughout the skeins of time.  To the degree that scientific knowledge and scientific knowhow can help to explain the nature of this world, both of the seen and the unseen, the more that this can be to the benefit of mankind, for knowledge properly utilized, is most definitely one of those essential building blocks that makes for the betterment and further enlightenment of mankind.


All those that are scientists have, first and foremost, the utmost obligation to their field and to society to follow the trail that is before them, and to prudently reveal such that is discovered in a forthright manner, of which, that which has become fully known, should and must be fully disclosed.  Unfortunately, what occurs, more times than it ever should, is that in the field of science, as in so many other fields, that which does not fit well into the conventional standards of that time, or is not consistent with those that are the financiers of those institutions or are the powers-to-be behind such, oftentimes are precluded from a fair disclosure and find what they have discovered is earmarked as an inconvenient truth, and therefore that which has been revealed to scientists in truth, is subsequently distorted in service to those other purposes and principalities.


Every scientist has a moral duty to stand first for truth, and thereby to disclose such truth; for those that do not do so, are then aiders and abettors to that which is false.  This has absolutely nothing to do with theories so made, or theorems surmised, then end up being false in some construct, of which, the very process of discovery is typically going to be a road in which mistakes and misinterpretations will be made, of which, the duty of that good scientist is to make adjustments to that which was thought to be sound, and thereby to correct such to fairly reflect the truth of the matter, as such is learned or experienced.


The scientific search that each scientist must be true to is the knowing that the primary objective of science is ultimately to see that truth previously unknown or undiscovered be revealed in a manner in which such is done for the overall benefit and in the service to their fellow sojourners upon this earth.  That is to say, knowledge so known can be dangerous, and therefore that knowledge must be handled in a manner in which it is sensibly kept out of the hands of those that would abuse such, for the giving of knowledge to those that have evil intent or are not worthy of such, serves no good purpose, whatsoever.  


Nevertheless, while discretion with scientific truth has its place, outright deception and misdirection, seldom does.  This is why those that are our superiors or that are in positions of power, must themselves be held to account for what they do and say on behalf of all those that they are obligated to represent, of which, their lack of integrity in doing so, wreaks havoc upon those meaningful revelations so made, by good scientists that have done their principled part as well as their moral duty.