Everyone is equal in God's eyes / by kevin murray

Mankind wishes to judge one another, and proves such, nearly every day of the week, by judgments so rendered, formally or not; and further to the point, mankind is often way too impressed over worthy accomplishments of other people, believing thereof, that these people of those accomplishments, are by their actions, better than they are. Additionally, there are plenty of people that judge their own self, in a manner in which they purposefully compare themselves to someone of poor character, and thereby declare themselves to be, superior to such.  In general, mankind spends an inordinate amount of time working on their personal place in the pecking order of life, never seeming to realize that in actuality, everyone so created, was equally created by God, and that such equality cannot ever be subsequently divided into castes, and therefore to believe so, is fundamentally flawed.


So too, many people believe wrongly that they have to "earn" God's respect and to win over God so that God will thereby love them.  In point of fact, we read in Holy Scripture, "…Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons," (Acts 10: 34).  This doesn't imply or mean that God doesn’t care about what we do and accomplish, but rather that God does not play favorites; for God values each of His children so created, exactly the same.  Those that are of a high ethical character may very well conduct their lives in such a manner as to be of good service to their fellow compatriots, of which, by doing so, they are helping to make this world a better place for their good deeds, and of which, they will surely reap their appropriate award for so doing; but that reward is not more love from God, or a special status with God, for all that they so desire from God, is already theirs for the asking, if only they would have the faith and the belief to accept this.


There are plenty of people in this world, that get up on their high horse, perhaps with justification, perhaps not; of which, that type of behavior works, when it works, only within this earthly plane, and has no place and is given no sanction, whatsoever, before the throne of our God, for in truth, God's throne is ultimately the one and only throne that so matters.  This so signifies, that lowly or high, evil or good, hard working or not, everyone is accorded the exact same respect and is counted the exact same way in God's presence.


If more people would take fully to heart, that we are all equally created by our God, and that our equality one to another is permanent, and unchangeable -- recognizing then therefore the importance of thereby putting forth the effort to live in good faith with our fellow brothers and sisters on this good earth, then for a certainty, this world would be a far better place to live and to breathe upon.  Therefore, do not make the error of either discounting others, or paying a premium for some, for each of us is made of the exact same substance, and not one of us, no matter the length of time so measured by mankind, will ever be left behind.