All the news that's fit to print…. really? / by kevin murray

While it never has been easier and more convenient for the population to get its news, in so many different ways and formats as we so see today, that doesn't mean that the news so being disseminated is not to a very wide extent, news that is distorted, partisan, falsified, and often that of propagating particular agendas, usually hidden or disguised, from those so providing that news.  None of this is good for the public; for the public in order to formulate informed opinions and viewpoints typically necessitates news that is impartial and that thereby sticks with providing the facts and a fair perspective on issues of importance, and to the degree that this is not done, the public and that country is harmed by that deliberate distortion.


That which is defined as good news, is all that news of interest that has basically been put together in a format consisting of what has actually occurred with as much relevant, factual, objective, and complete information as possible, without being prejudicial to one side or another; but rather has tried to present the truth of what has happened, and thereupon allows the reader to formulate their own viewpoint, by the use of their judgment, thereof.   Unfortunately, that sort of impartial news is hard to actually find, for many of the articles so written, are written in a manner in which the publisher of such, has taken a specific position and pushes that viewpoint upon the reader.


An informed public as well as a public that knows how to think for itself, should be the goal and the desire of that government which is of, for, and by the people; for, on the other hand, a nation of obeisance sheep is going to be a nation that is susceptible to exploitation and abuse, whether that be domestically or through foreign agents.  That is why it is so important that a multitude of viewpoints be disseminated to the people, along with the facts of that which is being discussed being fully disclosed, of which, the people as they become engaged to that which is of interest, are thereupon able to formulate and subsequently make reasoned decisions, thereof.


Those countries that are autocratic in nature are typically also countries that want to control the news so being provided to their people, so as to mold those people into what the powers-to-be desire them to be.  Further to the point, autocratic countries are all about subterfuge, secrets, lies, opaqueness, misdirection, injustice, unfairness, corruption, and the doing of all that which will help them to maintain their control, or augment such at the expense of the people, and they well know that the news so being propagated is an important arrow in their arsenal of crowd persuasion.


All the news that is fit to print would consist of that news which is uncomfortable for those that are at the highest echelons of power, for that news would constantly hold those powers accountable to the very people, that they ostensibly have taken a solemn duty to serve, protect, and to defend.    That signifies, also, that the news which is best fit to print, is that news which is of the good and fair benefit to the people.