As civilizations advance in their knowledge and skills, there has also been a corresponding increase in that which has been subsequently classified as a disease. To the degree that this has been accomplished through sound science, such as in the discovery of new diseases or the reclassification of such; of which, these diseases are able to be scientifically identified through the usage of x-ray imaging, blood work, applied medical knowledge, as well as medical testing of all types, then society in whole, has benefited; for that which is known as a disease, thereby allows those in the medical profession the chance and therefore the opportunity to ameliorate and to even cure those suffering from such.
The problem with the multitude of mental issues, in which in recent times, more and more of that which is mental in nature has been classified as a disease, such as in addictions of all types, those suffering mental issues such as being diagnosed as bipolar or schizophrenic, depression of all types, those suffering from general anxiety, and all those other diseases that are mind related, but do not substantiate themselves in the examination of the body of the person, or even through the imaging of the brain, should in all likelihood, not be classified as a disease, until such is actually proven by objective means. After all, if there are no documents or images that can be scientifically produced exhibiting how one person's disease has the same markings as shown on other people suffering from the same disease, of which we are instead left with only the symptoms of such, which thereby have been declared as a disease, but which are of the mind, then for a certainty, what has been declared as a disease, would be better classified, as abnormal phenomena being displayed, without any scientific proof that the person suffering from such, has an actual disease.
All those that have what is currently classified as a mental disease, would be better served, far more often, with something other than pharmaceutical substances, by instead, for instance, the understanding that behind most mental issues, there are individual personal issues that are the contributing factor to the manifestation of that unorthodox behavior. So that, to a great extent, those that "act out" or behave in a manner which is outside the norm or the desires of what civilized society expects from us, are doing so, because they are suffering from something that troubles them to such an extent, that they display behavior which is perceived as being maladjusted, wrong, or just plain weird.
The thing about what is currently classified as a mental disease, is that the most basic definition of an actual disease, is that which is abnormal, in conjunction with it being something that occurs outside the given motivation or will of an individual. On the other hand, addictions of all types, and certain unconventional mental behaviors being displayed, are in a significant amount of cases, actually under the will and ultimate control of the person so displaying such, whether or not that person recognizes the truth or power within their own hands and mind. So then, while we should always have sympathy for those that are suffering, not everything that is currently called a disease, actually appears labeled correctly.