Your soul is ever immortal and ever indestructible / by kevin murray

Life in this material world, because of its inherent materiality, is thereby indicative that each of us that have been born upon this planet must so die upon it as well.  This is the law for that which is flesh is, by definition, mortal.  So then, all those that identify solely with their physical body and their physical existence on this plane, are often filled with some degree of fear for the toll that will be taken upon their bodies such as through aging; and also that fear which comes in dealing with those that have the power to take away one's life or damage such, including diseases, of which, from that fear all sorts of decisions are made, some for good, and some for bad.


That we will die a physical death is something that everyone knows from the beginning; so that, those with real sensibility are the ones that are thereby curious about what the meaning of life actually is, and thereby do not limit themselves to the erroneous belief, that all we ever will be and all that we are, is caught up within our physical form; so that those with intrepid thinking and grit are able to eventually break through and to discover or to re-discover that each of us, is in actuality, an immortal soul, that no earthly power, can ever take away from us.


So then, the more appropriate way of looking upon our existence here on earth, is that each one of us is being fairly tested on this plane by that who has created us, to determine as to whether or not, we have the wherewithal to at some point break free from the chains of the delusion that precludes us from knowing or re-knowing that we are not our physical form, but rather are in reality, an immortal soul, incarnated and housed temporarily inside a physical form, subject to its physical limitations, but not so subject to limitations in our ability and the knowledge that comes with determination and focus, so as to truly comprehend that we are forever one with our Creator of which no force can ever successfully break such.


This signifies, that because the blind cannot ever lead the blind, that those that see, even those that see with some sort of limitation to their insight, are here for the expressed purpose to not only better their own self, but have an inherent sacred duty to lead out of the darkness of despair, others that are confused and misguided about who and what they really are.  Each of us, is called to be a Light-bearer and to therefore to be an ever present source of help for those that need our aid and help.


Those that work in opposition to God, do their level best, in their own way, to obfuscate who and what we really are, because those individuals that know not that they are forever immortal, but rather are caught up in the day-to-day affairs of this material existence, are those that are susceptible to being compromised again and again, for fear of losing their mortal existence and the "freedom" that they believe comes with it, by those agents that have impressed this very thought upon them.  That is a false construct, used to entrap us, of which, to break free from such, comes down to quieting one's mind, and thereby subsequently connecting with that which is all Wisdom, who thereby lovingly reminds us again and again, that as His own, we are forever eternal, unbreakable, and everlasting.