Treat people the way that they should be treated / by kevin murray

We read by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe "When we take people, merely as they are, we make them worse; when we treat them as if they were what they should be, we improve them as far as they can be improved."  This signifies that we need to provide more space for people and their character development, and thereby not to prejudge and categorize people, especially as if they are forever stagnant, or that what they say and do at the present time, can only be interpreted in one restrictive and often negative way, without taking into account that life has far more nuance to it and capabilities within it, and thereby suffers often from the lack of fair judgment by those who know not as much as they think that they know.


All of us need to do a much better job of taking into account the whole person, and thereby first of all, recognizing that each of us, has been equally created by the very same God.  So too, each of our individual circumstances are different, sometimes diametrically different, so that, things which appear not to be right to our viewpoint, have not fully and never can fully take into account everything that has transpired for another person; in addition to the salient fact, that we cannot know them at a level that would make us totally aware of everything of consequence that has occurred to date within their respective lives.


This thus means that we are far better off, in seeing the potential of other people, and to take to heart more predominantly the very positives that they are already displaying, so as to therefore be able to more readily picture them as good and valued citizens, by seeing in our mind much more of their upside, and thereby subsequently reducing the influence of the downside, so pictured.  After all, most of us, are dismayed when we are perceived, and usually unfairly, as something other than what we believe that we are at our core; when we invariably make mistakes, or misjudgments, or are caught doing things that are plain wrong.  We do not want to be defined by just one bad act, or by just one bad day, but rather would prefer to be seen as the whole person, who basically does right, more times than not, and desires to be within their persona of good service to their fellow mankind.


Those that tell other people that are already vulnerable, how rotten that they are, don't readily comprehend, that words so spoken have consequences, of which long after a particular event has been forgotten by the critic of such, the person so receiving that criticism, may still be living within it, as if it was still being said and repeated to them, again and again.  That is why we need to do a much better job and thereby to exert a much better effort in seeing the good as well as the budding potential in other people, for those that help in creating the necessary backbone that so many of us need to avail themselves of from time-to-time, are an ever present help for those that need such help, because that which we are capable of, often needs the helping hands of others to allow such to come to its successful fruition, for we all are truly in this, together.