While in reality, our justice department as exercised, is far too often rather disappointing, the testimony so expected by those that are part of those court cases asserts in its totality, what justice is supposed to be all about, which is that each of us is sworn to testify to "….the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." So that, taking into account the whole truth from such testimony so made, the decisions thereby contemplated upon and subsequently rendered do more fairly reflect good justice.
So too, those that live a lie in any aspect, are by definition, failing to be true to that which is the whole truth. Additionally, those that are mistaken in what they believe or proselytize, so that, what they therefore believe is flawed or wrong, are standing upon the shaky ground of that which is false; yet believing such is true, when in reality, it is not, which is an error that sooner or later, must be corrected; for God is Truth, immutable and without error, so that all which have error within it, unwittingly or not, conscious to it or not, can never in that errant state be fully absorbed or permitted into perfection.
Everything that is false and believed upon, and everything that is stated which is false and relied upon, is in direct opposition to all that which is true. Those two aspects, truth and falsehood, can never successfully be merged together, for that which is false has no legitimate or lasting place with that which is true. Therefore, to the degree that we become knowledgeable that we are inherently responsible for all that we do and say, it is thereby our ethical responsibility to be true in all that we do and say with ourselves as well as with others, for that which is false, never has legitimacy in the eternal justice of that which is true and right.
While it may be difficult or well-nigh impossible, at times, to know for a certainty, whether something is true or false, this accounts for why we need to far more often, be far less sure of things that we believe are truly known for a certainty, and consequently far more accommodating of unorthodox or out-of-the-box beliefs; for an open mind is much better prepared to accept, without judgment, that which is not generally accepted and thereby is a mind more capable of grasping those intuitive intangibles which will thereby swing open the liberating portals of that whole truth, which is freely available to all.
It must be said, that to get to where each of us needs to get to, requires not only concentrated good effort, but an absolute drive to know the truth of all that matters. In the end, what only matters is the truth, but not that truth of trivial things, such as what is the capital city of Nebraska, but rather the truth of what is the meaning and purpose of life; and further who we really are and what we are supposed to be doing. Those that ignore such, ignore such at their own peril, but also at the peril of those that they influence, for all that which is falsely propagated and lived, leads invariably to the dead end of wrongness and error; whereas that which is lived to truth and right, leads to that enduring truth of all truths, which is that full and bright illumination of total clarity.