The Bible is not meant to be taken literally / by kevin murray

There is a segment of the people that believe that the Bible should be seen as the inerrant word of God, and that the reading of that Bible should be taken in a literal sense, but this belief is fundamentally flawed and quite obviously does a grand disservice to those that believe and have those beliefs, for once you make the proclamation that what is written in the Bible is literally true, you will find, that the contradictions within the Bible, the anthropomorphic attributes given to God in the Bible, and examples that scientifically could not be true such as the sun standing still, will make the belief that the Bible is literal, look stupid and incredibly foolish.


The most fundamental problem that the Bible has in today's world, is that those of a scientific bent, and/or intellectual outlook, are the common voices that we listen to and read in our books that we learn from as students, so that, these voices are typically written and spoken in a format of facts, and true observances, that impart the information that they are trying to get across straightforwardly.  In other words, scientific treatises are not written in allegory, and they are not written as a myth, but rather as factual observances, or theories built upon logic, that have been verified by others.  So too, mathematics and languages, have specific rules attached to them, that necessitate the students' adherence to such, in order to master these, in which, again these are not taught in allegory or myth.


This then so means, that having been taught to learn in a manner in which true statements are made and core principles must be adhered to, thereby most see the world as a world of certain laws and principles that should be taken as literally being true in their outlook, especially in order to function and to grow within that society.  On the other hand, that is not the way that the words have been written into the Bible.  While the Bible does indeed have factual statements contained within it, it is not exclusively a book of factual statements, but rather it is often a book that is written in allegory and has many passages that have a surface meaning, but also contained with them, a deeper meaning, that is at first hidden from the reader of such, until that reader has garnered the knowledge to reach that level of additional insight, which they may never actually achieve.


This then does signify that the world was not literally created in six days, nor does it mean that our God is a "jealous" God.  In fact, the English language, or other languages for that matter, are at a loss to adequately and succinctly express who and what God really is, for just as people are at a loss of words in regards to what exactly they are trying to get across to another, so then, humans are often unable, to comprehend in its totality exactly what God is actually saying, meaning, or signifying.  This is the very reason why the most important lessons and information contained within the Bible are told in allegory, as well as the reason that Christ spoke in parables, for the human mind is often not capable of handling the truth built into just words, for it is beyond its grasp, yet, given enough time and dedicated effort, perceptions and knowledge can be obtained that allows humans to decipher and to better understand their relationship to their God in this world.


The Bible is our multi-dimensional roadmap, of which, the mastery of such wisdom, can never be obtained via a cursory reading, nor even many readings, unless the mind seeks diligently for the treasure of all treasures, finding its satisfaction only when  the otherworldly doors of perception envelope us entirely.