According to, there are about 2.3 billion Christians in the world, but don't let those numbers fool you into believing that these people that self-identify with one of the numerous Christian faiths are really Christian in the true meaning of that word. Take, for instance, the life of Christ, Himself, the Messiah who miraculously fed 5,000 plus women and children, and on another day fed 4,000 plus women and children, who turned water into wine, cleansed leprosy, raised the dead to life, brought sight to the blind, healed invalids, created a miraculous catch of fish, and walked on water. Yet, this Christ, who on Palm Sunday, was feted with palm branches being waved in the air by the massive crowd of appreciative people, would, in a span of just a few days, be tried, convicted, and crucified, in which between Christ and a notorious malcontent, Barabbas, this Barabbas, was preferred over Christ to be released from his imprisonment by Pilate as desired by the crowd.
All of this would signify that the many miracles of Christ were somehow forgotten by the vast majority of the people, even those who directly benefited by them, and the great parables that He expressed were effectively ignored, for at the foot of the cross, how many of even his closest disciples were there to comfort Him, to voice their support for Him, and to love Him? Only in the gospel of John, is it alleged that even one of his beloved disciples was there are the foot of the cross, though, His mother, Mary Magdalene, Mary, the mother of James, and a few other women as named in the scriptures, were there, but not a single person that received a miraculous healing was specifically named or mentioned, though it is conceivable that some of those were present.
All of the above signifies that those that get down on their knees each night, or at times of a crisis, and pray to God for a miraculous healing and whatnot, are often, at best, sincere at the moment, but not truly sincere in their hearts, for when those miracles come, those recipients, are typically similar to the ten lepers that were cleansed by Christ, of which only one of ten bothered to come back and praise God for their cleansing.
This is why, a true man of God, recognizes that it certainly isn't from the miracles that true faith is believed or achieved, but it is in the changing of a person's heart, in which that true change transforms the person into a believer, and thereby a Christian. Too often, people ask for a sign or a miracle as if this would make them believe, but belief for so many is rather fickle, so that true belief will be borne out in the actions of the recipient for if they simply go out and continue in their sinning, than they haven't changed at all, except for their outward circumstances and that isn't what substantiates a true believer.
Christ did not walk on water to impress his disciples but rather He walked on water, to demonstrate to them that He was the Messiah, and that nothing was impossible for Him, that therefore even the elements were ruled by the Creator of it all. But, somehow, despite these miracles and despite the parables, the disciples were slow to comprehend the true mission of Christ, and of really who and what He really was. Still, eventually the disciples got it, and thereby they put their faith into action by beginning the great commission, which continues unto this very day, so that 2.3 billion people claim that they believe and have been transformed by Christ, yet, how many of those, actually are?