We are born with unalienable rights, for these rights come from our Creator, and not from any government, or manmade institution, yet, so many forget this fundamental point, which frustrates them no end, for day after day, example after example, and incident after incident, it is demonstrated time and time again, that our freedom is limited in this world; by other people, by our government, and by the limits of our mortal flesh, signifying that as long as we self-identify with our mortal body than we will be continually frustrated in our lack of freedom along with the fact that mortality, by definition, can only lead ultimately to physical death.
This doesn't mean that we shouldn't aspire to live free lives, for we should, because that is the nature of our spirit, which is free, and making the world better for ourselves and others is a noble goal and worthy of emulation by all, but the peace that we truly seek, can only come about when we wake up from the delusion that we are simply a mortal body, for we need to recognize instead, that we are all immortal souls, that no government can chain, and that no person can kill.
This then means that we must aspire, if we are truly seeking for truth and knowledge, to recognize who and what we really are, immortal beings that have no beginning and have no end, for that is the nature of who and what we really are, for this physical form and body that we have, is but for a moment of time, and the circumstances that we deal with daily, are but a little ripple in the vast ocean of time, in which, if we truly desire to be wise, we should desire to drink from that living water which is everlasting, rather than returning like a dog to the same water that replenishes us just for a minute, but not for all time.
This signifies that instead of concentrating so much upon our physical form, we should begin to realize that what really actuates us is actually our mind, and the thoughts that come to us, if we are able to concentrate them, correctly, and to focus them well, will allow us to perceive a dimension that is available to all, but is invisible to our sight and tactile touch. In this dimension, the limits of time and space have been removed, almost the equivalency of the dream stage that each of us goes into every night, where, dreams aren't perceived in a linear fashion, and the stories that enfold before us, defy physical laws such as gravity and time, because in this dream stage we are free of the self-imposed limitations of this world, and free of being solely identified with our physical body.
From this, you might ask or contemplate why you are even here, in this physical vessel to begin with. That question is the very first question that will lead you to wisdom, for by searching for that answer, you will begin your search for your Creator and by doing so, you will break free from the binding cords of physical limitations and aspire to recognize who and what you really are, immortal spirit, for the frustrations that you feel in the here and now, are the raison d'être for your search for true freedom and for immortality, of which, these never left you, but rather are limited within this earthly plane, only waiting to be re-discovered by your mind correctly attuned to its Creator.