Video Assistant Referee (VAR) is ruining the joy of watching soccer by kevin murray

The concept behind the VAR is sound, in the sense that the purpose is to support the on-field referee in the goal of having important decisions be accurate, especially regarding offsides, goals, penalties, red card violations, and other significant incidents.  So then, VAR is to help uphold the integrity of the sport, which it does seem to have done well on behalf of soccer.  The crux of the problem though, is the utilization of VAR, and thereby the reviewing of a particular incident always takes time, which is especially problematic when it comes to the scoring of a goal, for before VAR came into play, all a player or fan had to do was see if the offsides flag was raised, or if the on-field referee indicated that there was a foul, and if not, the goal was scored.  Nowadays, with VAR, every single goal is reviewed by VAR, which means that since a meaningful percentage of these goals end up becoming non-goals, it definitely deadens the excitement of those who are the fans, because until VAR confirms a goal, it isn’t officially a goal, and therein lies the rub.

 Look, it has to be said, that the sport of soccer is played for the fans, for without any fans, as in those watching at home as well as those at the stadium, there wouldn’t be any revenue coming in.  This signifies that when it comes to VAR, it is the fans, that really should or should not determine whether they desire to continue to have VAR.  While, it is true, that without VAR, there would be more decisions that would be technically incorrect, it has to be admitted, that the on-field referee gets it right a very high percentage of the time, and seldom makes a truly gross and obvious error.

 As it is presently, one possible solution to the VAR woes is for each side of the soccer game to be permitted to make one VAR challenge per game.  That is to say, whichever side feels that an on-field decision is in error, would be able to make a challenge, and if upheld, then they would retain that challenge for another possible incident, and if wrong in their challenge, they would no longer be able to call upon VAR for the remainder of the game.  This seems like a fair compromise for the usage of the VAR because it would bring back the spontaneity of the game, which most fans appreciate and desire – along with permitting to review those incidents that appear to be in error.

 In sum, soccer is a game, meant to be enjoyed by the fans, who may not really care as to whether each decision made on the field is absolutely accurate 100% of the time.  As it stands, the on-field refereeing does a very good job of getting it right, subject to human error, and the fact is that some of the decisions currently being overturned by VAR are so close, that no human could get it right 100% of the time, of which, most of the time, those on-field decisions being made are in the spirit of the game, just fine, which is why VAR needs to be modified, for the good and continued enjoyment of the game.

The only reality is God by kevin murray

In the modern world, many people are absolutely convinced that everything that they see, hear, and touch is real, and anything outside of our scientific ability to measure or to surmise its existence is not real. That is to say, the reality of what we perceive is proven to us by science, or possibly through our intuition, or else through the experience that we have garnered in this world, and pretty much everything that lies outside of that domain is myth, superstition, or yet to be discovered or understood.   

 It isn’t so much that the foregoing, is wrong, though it is, but rather it is shortsighted and fails to comprehend that as real as this world appears to us, this is not the ultimate reality of the situation.  In truth, our very existence comes forth from the dream mind of God, thereby indicating that all that we interact with, in the material world, are constructs of that same dream mind of God, existing only because God is omniscient and has created this dimension for us to experience and to fairly test our mettle, in the interplay between light and darkness, of which, those that become truly enlightened, can break free from the illusion that this physical world seems to represent.

 This means that this physical world exists as a template for us to experience a physical body and to interact with one another, on a different level, with the ensuing drama of what appears to be mortality, and the corresponding loss, thereof, of immortality.  Yet, this is an illusion, for when we are fully cognizant that we are not the physical, but are made up of the eternal spiritual, instead, then we comprehend that this world is not the be-all and end-all of our existence, but merely a stopping point, for us to experience an event through a corporeal raiment.

 So too, it is presupposed that this world only exists because of the creation of human beings and therefore is dependent upon those same human beings to be present here, or else the whole construct will go up in smoke.  Rather, because God birthed this world into existence, its continual existence is controlled by the dream mind of God, and nothing else, for God is the Master of it all, for God is that eternal Light, that never burns out, come what may.

 Indeed, it is hard for many a person to believe that as real as this world appears to be, it isn’t though the ultimate reality, but rather this world exists only in the mind’s eye of God.  So then, we have to recognize that for many of us, our vision is limited to only what we do or don’t believe, and in our collective failure to pursue Truth and the real purpose of life, we get caught up in the everyday drama that passes for real, believing that this is reality and no more; whereas, in actuality, we have inconveniently forgotten that to overly concentrate on the finite, at the expense of the infinite, is to expend far too much of our time missing the forest for the trees, for the reality is that there is only that One, and no more.

The art of self-control by kevin murray


There are lots of things that get us into trouble, some of which are from outside circumstances, that are frequently out of our control, and then there are our self-control problems, which often create havoc and trouble for us.  Whether or not we develop the self-control to be a better and a more caring person is of our volition, of which, some people work hard at this to thereby improve their character; whereas, many a person tends to just go with the flow, indicating that the effort or lack thereof that we put into controlling our behavior, is at our discretion.

 While it has to be said that some people naturally seem to have good self-control, that isn’t as important as acknowledging that we are ultimately responsible for the control, or the lack, thereof, that we display in this life, and if we are not satisfied with what subsequently occurred because we lost control, then we need to do a better job in improving our behavior, which typically takes time, concentration, and concerted effort.  The reason that self-control is so important to each and every one of us, is because a lot of trouble that we need not get into, results from the lack of self-control, of which, on a better day, we would not have said what we said, or done what we have done, for we recognize that this trouble came from our inability to maintain our balance and to thereby do the right thing, or just to remain still.

 Indeed, just because someone provokes us, does not necessitate a kneejerk response which often just ends up aggravating the situation.  So too, when we hear something that we don’t like, or someone does something that annoys us, we don’t have to respond immediately, for we have the option to try to take into account, the perspective of what is occurring, and the importance that our response will typically be more appropriate with thoughtfulness.  After all, there are plenty of things that may initially irritate us, but given enough contemplation, aren’t really a big deal and probably never were a big deal, to begin with.

 In life, we frequently have the option, to be the bigger person, to take our time, and to think about our possible reactions, before we react, as well as the fact that oftentimes our initial thought of an appropriate response isn’t necessarily the best one or the only one at our disposal.  The choices that we make are ours to own, and before we react with words or actions, we need to consider whether our response is going to be helpful, or whether it will instead be something that will exacerbate the situation.

 So too, most of us hate it when we say or do something that annoys the other person but have done so without the intent for that to happen, signifying that we appreciate it when the other, has the strength of character, to basically just let it go, thereby controlling the situation well so that it doesn’t become a tempest, after all.  We all have the choice of how we will or will not react to others, of which, those that have masterful self-control are going to far more often than not, make good decisions, which is, if we are smart, where we should and ought to aspire to be, as well.

Targeted extrajudicial killings by kevin murray

America seemingly leads all other nation-states in making extrajudicial torture, as well as the targeting and the killing of people who America does not desire to see live, its distinct policy.  For many Americans, they don’t seem to understand that the actions that we take outside of the law, outside of justice, and outside of diplomacy, are the very type of thing that will eventually result in the same types of actions, being exercised against Americans.  After all, what is good for the goose is good for the gander.

 Perhaps, people who have been classified as dangerous terrorists, such as Osama bin Laden, should be assassinated, in which, bin Laden’s crime against America, was being the leader and therefore the man who approved the terrorist attack upon America on September 11th, which was in its own way, surprisingly effective in the amount of peoples killed and infrastructure damaged.  Indeed, most Americans would consider the killing of bin Laden on Pakistani ground, by Navy SEALs to be not only absolutely justified but necessary and heroic.  Yet, even the killing of bin Laden came with the additional killing of apparently another four adults that were also slain in that house, which perhaps is then justified, as these people being in the wrong place at the wrong time, or guilt by association.

 The thing about the targeted extrajudicial killings, assassinations, as well as torture that the United States carries out throughout the world, is that the decision to take this action isn’t vetted by any independent and transparent agency, or the United Nations, or a consortium of nations, but is done solely by the United States, and justified only in the minds of those that are the actuators of these actions. In other words, the United States kills Presidents, Dictators, Generals, terrorists, and supposed “bad actors” throughout the world and seemingly has no issue with innocent people who are killed along the way, and justifies this behavior as either payback for evil people doing bad things to Americans, or as simply America’s prerogative which they don’t have to justify to anybody.

 The proximate reason why the United States can target and carry out extrajudicial killings is that it represents the most fearsome military force in the world and because of that, they can do what they desire to do, and apparently don’t care much about the rule of law, or the rules of engagement, or just about anything.  The problem with this type of mindset is that when it is considered to be justified for America to assassinate certain people that they don’t desire to see live, or to torture them, or to kidnap them, or to harm their family members, then quite clearly turnabout is also fair play, which means that when another country, or terrorist, or some rogue agent of some sort, strikes back and does the same thing to an American – that to be consistent, America should simply just admit that what has occurred represents the prism of reality of the world as it really is. That signifies that those who insist that it is right to have a deck of 52 cards of supposed war criminals who are non-American and have been targeted to be killed,  would itself be the fair basis for some other nation-state to create their own deck of 52 cards of supposed war criminals that are American, which reflects fairly that in a world in which the United States insists it need not respect a non-American, that those disrespected are entitled to feel the same sort of way.

America's insidious inflation by kevin murray

Just about everyone recognizes that inflation exists, because they are cognizant that the price of goods and services that they purchase, rent, or use have gone up in price, which is essentially what inflation represents –the increase in the price of goods and thereby the corresponding decrease in the purchasing power of the dollar.  So too, we find that  it seems as if each year more and more millionaires are minted, of which, books are written such as “The Millionaire Next Door,” but, what isn't talked about so much is the fact that a million dollars simply isn't what it once was, so then those that are millionaires but aren't filling all that secure about their status, and certainly don't feel wealthy or rich, have a very valid point because when we look at the value of $100,000 back in 1964, we find that because of inflation as calculated by the website, that in 2024 we would need $1,015,471 to match the purchasing value of $100,000 in 1964.  Therefore, a millionaire back in 1964, would certainly feel rich, because the average price of a home in the United States was just $18,900, and further to the point, one million dollars in 1964, if it kept pace with inflation, would be the equivalency of $10,154,709 today.

 When it comes to the impact of inflation, not all is equal, for there are going to be winners and losers, of which, not too surprisingly the biggest losers are represented by people that don't have any real savings, that don't therefore own a home, and typically are having to make debt payments on their vehicle and other goods– signifying that these people therefore have to pay ever higher amounts of money for rent, for groceries, for insurance, and for their car note, without necessarily having an income which has kept up with inflation, and in many a case, falls way short of.  Additionally, because the American tax system is progressive in nature, they are subject therefore to having to pay higher taxes, despite the fact that their purchasing power because of inflation, has declined.  So too, inflation for many a person, just makes it more difficult for them to stay on top of their bills, because these bills are constantly climbing, yet their income is not typically increasing enough to meet those higher debts.  Indeed, we have to recognize that salary reviews for many an employee, is only once a year, which signifies when inflation is persistent, that this is detrimental to those that have to wait at least a year to get a possible raise, which may or may not even keep pace with inflation.

 It also has to be said that when it comes to inflation, the government has all sorts of ways to calculate such, and then to state what the government claims the inflation rate is, which seems tor the most part, to understate the real inflation rate, especially for those of middle and lower income.  The bottom line is that inflation is so insidious because it hurts most those that are the most vulnerable, that thereby don't typically have any assets that are appreciating, because they are asset poor, and therefore they have to pay the piper, at an ever higher price, made worse because the governance of this nation doesn't mind inflation, because it serves as a stealth tax on those that are the most disenfranchised and thereby keeps them in their place.

Capitalism, defense contractors, and forever wars by kevin murray

The thing about capitalism is that companies typically need to grow their revenues and thereupon their corresponding profit, year after year, or else investors will find some other investment that fills that criteria better.  This indicates that defense contractors are going to surely be subject to the same general criteria that every other public corporation must meet, which is to demonstrate that it is growing, as well as to demonstrate that it has the means to continue to grow and to be relevant.  What defense contractors have in their favor, as opposed to those that primarily do business with non-governmental entities, is that the government pays its bills on time and is good for repeat business time and time again, along with the important fact that the Department of Defense has a gargantuan budget which doesn’t seem susceptible to being cut anytime soon.

 The fact that the Department of Defense has a budget which is nearly one trillion dollars, makes those who do business with the DoD salivate because the money pie is so huge, in addition to the salient fact that a significant amount of business conducted with the DoD isn’t really competitive, at all, but pretty much the business is going to go to a sole main contractor, subject to the usual governmental auditing and supervision, which for those that work almost exclusively with the government, means that they need not worry, because each side to the equation, understands well the unwritten rules in play.

 Perhaps all this sounds fine to the average citizen, depending upon their interest or lack, thereof, but in actuality, it should concern all citizens, because when we take a company, such as Lockheed Martin, we find that nearly 70% of its annual revenue of approximately $70 billion represent contracts with the government, of which, the vast majority of that business is specifically with the DoD.  So then, this would clearly mean that for Lockheed Martin, as well as other big DoD contractors, that war, or the threat of war, is not only very good for their business but is, quite frankly, necessary for their business enterprise. This signifies that what is good for Lockheed Martin is not then good for those who feel that we expend too much money on the military, because it seems that this isn't up for debate, which makes sense for Lockheed Martin, for without the DoD steady stream of money, Lockheed Martin would probably have to file for bankruptcy.

 Indeed, for all those who hope for diplomatic solutions and less bellicosity from the United States, this isn't going to happen, anytime soon, for the pathway that this nation is on, is one that the military-industrial-technology complex will not relent from, and no matter the circumstances they aren't interested in stagnating with yesterday's budget, but rather they insist upon an ever expanding budget, and the pathway to keep the money flowing in without too much pushback is to keep the American population nervous, by believing that some outside agency or terrorist, or nation-state is a real threat to America, which when successfully sold to the American people, makes them to believe, that all is fair, when in reality, it is foul.

Unhealthy bodies by kevin murray

America prides itself on the fact that it represents the best of the best in just about everything that it does.  Yet, when we take a look around at the body shapes and body sizes in America, we should be absolutely dismayed, because American obesity as well as those who are just overweight, is at serious crisis levels, which impacts negatively not only the physical aspects of living in in a body that is out of shape, but also the quality of the life of those people that suffer from all the attendant disadvantages of not having a healthy body.

 Look, it has to be said that the proximate reason why there are so many unhealthy bodies in America is that Americans do not eat the right foods and are content to eat way too much of foods that are overly processed, as well as being often nutritionally poor for them.  Further to the point, a lot of Americans do not consistently exercise, which means that they don't work hard enough and consistently enough on exercising the most important muscle in their body which is their heart --- and in considering that it is the heart that delivers oxygen and nutrients to our cells, this is a fundamental mistake that definitely hurts our physical form.

 While it is true that we should not prejudge a person by their physical characteristics, and that different environments, different genetics, and different backgrounds are going to make a difference in the body shape that we tend to obtain, it is though, up to us, as individuals as well as a society, to take responsibility for the decisions that we do make.  This signifies that we need to do more to ensure that we are doing our fair part to maintain a healthy body or else we will have a strong tendency to devolve into having an unhealthy body.

 Additionally, the very least that the governance of this nation could and should do would be to wake up from its collective lethargy, and recognize that for peer nations, America's health status does not hold up well to other Western nations; and that those then that are living lives in which their health has been compromised find thereby that their enjoyment of life has been negatively impacted, which should be properly seen as a priority that needs to be addressed for the better by the influence that governance, as well as other engaged organizations, can provide on behalf of the people.

 Indeed, our mirrors and how our body reacts to our physical movement do not deceive us, whatsoever.  We are, collectively, unhealthy, and it need not be that way, for America is the wealthiest nation in the world, and thereby needs to treat the disappointing poor health of its citizens, as a true crisis, that is worth resolving, because the direction that America is currently trending on, isn't healthy, nor is it written on stone, which is why we need those that would be our leaders, to actually lead, by fundamentally getting across to the American public, that a body that looks good and feels good, makes for a better long-term quality life.

“No universal selfishness can bring social good to all” by kevin murray

The above quotation comes from the esteemed mind of W.E.B. DuBois, and clearly speaks to the fact that capitalism without the powerful enforcement of vigorous governmental rules and regulations, as well as appropriate taxation enforced upon those that have more than enough money to buy the taxman, will not ever bring forth the type of society, that makes for human inclusiveness and the caring for the good of one another. 


To somehow believe in trickle-down economics and other insipid lies along this line, are going to somehow be beneficial on some level to all the people that make up this land, is a delusion, which nobody with any sensibility should ever believe in.  Indeed, those who have money and/or make good money have a very strong tendency to desire to keep as much as they can or to invest such to make even more, and though they may well have an interest in doing their part to bring forth social good, that typically isn't going to be their prime interest, at all.


It has to be said, that there are plenty of people that believe that because they earned it, or they have it, that they then should not be compelled to give up much or any of it because they feel that what they have is theirs, and fairly theirs.  So then, in consideration, that there are only so many pieces that a pie can be divided into, those who are reluctant to give up any of theirs, reflect that other people are going to come up with the short stick, time and time again.


So too, any time that an economic system is structured around winners and losers in what is principally a zero-sum game, which seems structured to downplay collaboration and cooperation, then the game is going to favor those that are well-positioned, clever, ruthless, determined, and selfish, over those that aren't as well prepared, aren't motivated primarily about money, and don't find that competition should be the be-all and end-all of our existence, at all.


A far better and a far healthier society is going to be one in which while there will still be rich people, they won't be insanely rich – and while there will still be poor and helpless people, they won't be so poor and helpless that they won't have a safety net to be there as an ever-present help in danger.  What we should desire as a people is to see more people, simply have the accouterments that make for a good and stable life, of a good job, with decent pay, and a nice home, in a safe area, along with the infrastructure that consists of good schools, and social inclusiveness. 


In any nation, in which the abiding interest of those that are the elites, is to “lord it over others,” then this is not going to produce a healthy and stable society, because that type of domination, necessitates the structure of governance exclusively favoring those elites, over the people,  which reflects thereby that this is not the land of the free and fair opportunity for all, but rather this nation's governance is clearly own by the few at the expense of the many.

End of empire by kevin murray

There is no other nation that has the global footprint that the United States of America so represents, and there isn't any other nation that even holds a real candle to the size, strength, and wealth of America.  This signifies that Russia, which is a nation that has a population that is less than 150 million people, while also having a GDP that doesn't even rank in the top ten, is not a real and present danger to America.  As for China, while it must be admitted that it is far more populous than America, as well as being second in GDP, it still is years away from being a true threat to American hegemony, of which, China may not be inclined to do much of anything in that area, as China smartly believes that being patient and non-bellicose is the better frame of mind to project.


The main issue as to why the American empire is in decline, really comes down to the fact, that America directs way too many of its resources and its military into areas of this planet, that doesn't really need or necessitate direct American involvement; and by doing these very things, puts America more deeply into debt, while also upsetting country after country that America does flex its muscles and bosses around, as opposed to America representing itself as a bastion of freedom, liberty, meritocracy, and opportunity through good diplomacy.


Regrettably, since America feels the need to get its hands into as many pockets as possible, and to intertwine itself into the affairs of many a foreign nation, it has exposed itself to the type of vulnerabilities that are sure to have the type of unintended repercussions which have yet to be fully realized.  Look, it has to be said, that as strong as America is, the fact of the matter is that America has neither the population numbers nor an infinite amount of military might to impose its will upon every other nation in this world, and those that America believes are on its side because of NATO, or other agreements that have been ratified, don't seem to comprehend that history is replete with nation after nation that breaks treaties at opportune moments, which thereby changes everything.


The thing that America does not seem to be fully aware of is that there are those tried and true friends, and then there are those fair-weather friends, or even those that pretend to be our friends but really aren't; so that, when the American empire beings its collapse, it isn't going to just come out of anywhere, but rather the seeds of its own destruction of that empire have been already sowed, and when that harvest comes in, the dismay that Americans will feel will be palpable, along with being quite concerning, of which, unfortunately for Americans, by the time they figure out what is really going on that empire will no longer be gradually dissolving, but will rather be subject to a very sudden and disastrous catastrophe, which will, when the dust settles, put America back to where it formerly was, or perhaps far worse, because payback is an incredibly terrible thing, but what will be, will be – because even a great empire, must in the end, pay in full what they do so fairly owe.

God willing. Are you sure? by kevin murray

There are plenty of people, from various religious faiths, that make it a principle, or a ritual, to mouth the saying that they desire to do something or have something happen to or for them, “God willing.” The thing about saying those words is that the person so speaking, needs to be, or should be, absolutely sincere in what they have so said, because if they are not, then they aren't really willing to have God's will be done, and instead, they seem to be behaving in a way in which God has been reduced to nothing much more than “wish fulfillment” or a security blanket.


Indeed, what we get out of life, has an awful lot to do with the effort, persistence, dedication, and the ethical foundation which we have built our life upon, and those who do a better job in accomplishing the building of this edifice, are going to often find a much more satisfying life, than those that claim to rely on an outside source, that they apparently desire to do the will of, but are typically themselves not clear or are confused about what that will actually is.


The logic of what God wants from all of us has not ever changed, for it forever remains the same, which is to be good to one another, and to properly honor God for the beneficence and wisdom that is ours for the taking, if only we would get our house in order.  In truth, to know God's will is to understand that God always wishes our good, and is pleased when we take the necessary steps to get to where we were always destined to be, no matter how tortuous the pathway has been, for God wills us to come back to the fold, for until we do so, we will in perpetuity be restless, unless we find that sanctuary that we eternally belong to.


It would seem that especially in Western nations, that there is a high degree of people who desire to have freedom, and even when that free choice and free will place them in some sort of troubling circumstance, they still won't let it go.  Yet, for those that truly do desire God's will, it has to be admitted that at the end of the day, the satisfaction that each of us dearly wants, comes forth only from being in harmony with that which is ever wise and ever loving, which will necessitate the corresponding reduction of our ego and the increase of our recognition that everything that really matters is already ours if only we would gravitate to those wholesome attributes.


In life, we should be careful about what we ask for, because those who unwittingly take our God's name in vain, have done so to their own spiritual diminishment; whereas, those who invoke the will of God, wittingly, should first make sure they comprehend the very essence of God and then do their level best to align with that, in which, by doing so, they will find that more and more of what God wills for them, is the same as what they should aspire to become and be, which makes for eventual unification back into the One.

A more comprehensive vision for religious institutions by kevin murray

There are an incredible amount of religious institutions in America, of all sorts of different denominations and faiths, which presupposes that this is indeed a religious nation.  The thing about religious institutions is that the governance of this nation has benefited them by exempting most churches from property taxes, along with being exempt from Federal, State, and local taxes, so done under the belief that religious institutions are providing a community service.  Still the question needs to be asked as to whether or not this is really true, and further to the point, whether many churches could do more for their communities than they currently do.


Indeed, most religions, have a specific time set aside for worship within the sanctuary of that church, of which, while some religious institutions have a daily mass, as well as those that have specific times for their congregants to pray daily, there are plenty of other religious institutions though that have specific service times, on a particular date of the week, and seemingly are quiescent as an institution for the greater balance of the week.


What more religious institutions should be encouraged to do, is to engage the communities that they are an integral part of, to provide services that will be of good use for that community.  This would represent things such as after-school care, meals for children, tutoring, wellness checks, job fairs, and pretty much anything that would help provide support for the community.  Further to the point, for those religious institutions that claim that they do not have the resources to provide such aid, it would behoove them to consider outsourcing such to those entities that would be happy to assist, especially when they can avail themselves of the utilization of the religious institution's facility space and infrastructure.


The fact of the matter is that the business of saving souls has got to include having the type of hours and commitment in which the doors are open, for as long as they can reasonably be open, to accommodate the needs of the community and to be a helping hand to that community, as well as being a sanctuary.  Indeed, the areas that a given community does not do well in, as regards to education, mentoring, and opportunity, necessitates that religious institutions step into the breach, because if this is not done, then those that are already under-served and under-cared for, will find it difficult to make progress without concentrated and dedicated aid on their behalf.


Our religious institutions represent our best hope, in many a community, in helping to build up people, who need the attention and care, that the best of our religious institutions represent, and when this is done, it is done to not only for the glory of the nation but to God, which is why in this era of frustration that our governance has let us down, that we need to turn to that which has our vested interests in mind, best represented by religious institutions within our community, that are focused upon doing right through their good actions for the people of that community

Might eternity be an absolute bore? by kevin murray

On this planet, we live in a construct in which not only is time real, but the changes that happen to us as well as to others, are real.  So too, within life in this world, there is the constant interplay between right and wrong, good and evil, and light and darkness, which provides us with the opportunity to rise up thereby to the occasion and to do the right thing or to fall.  So then, for those that pass from this dimension into the next, one would have a tendency to believe that eternity might be rather boring, for after we get done reuniting with our loved ones, there just doesn't seem like there would be a lot more to do, or to accomplish, or even to think about.

 This thus represents the dilemma that temporal life, structured linearly, seems to represent; and if eternity was indeed something like that, it would be boring, because without the previous interplay of good v. evil, and things of that general ilk, there is only so much interest that a soul could sustain without having a desire for some change of pace, or some activity to be engaged upon.

 In truth, time does not exist outside of our earthly existence, and once we comprehend that time is not our master, but is rather an artificial construct, we then begin to understand that being outside of time and space, presents an entirely different perspective, which changes everything, and therefore because we actually exist in the eternal now, there isn't room for boredom, because our true existence is outside of time, and has always been so.  So then, on this plane, the challenges that we face in this world, are structured in a way that will provide us with a testing ground, to challenge us and for us to thereby prove our mettle, which makes for a compelling battle.

 The then necessary information that we need to take to heart will thus enlighten us so as to acknowledge that eternity really isn't going to be about being inclusive to just those that we have known and wish to reunite with, but rather, it is actually going to be a recognition that we are not our ego, that we are not even who we think that we are, but rather we are an essential part of the One, who is indivisible, immortal, impregnable, and unchangeable.  This signifies that all that we see and have been a part of, as real as so appears to us, here, or even as believable as we are sure of, has been created into existence through the vision of God, of which, out of the One there was begotten the many, with God knowing that within this game of God's mind, that those many would return to the One, through the master play of the Master of it all. 

Indeed, the only possibility that eternity would not be in its own way unendurable, is the elimination of the illusion of time and space, which permits us thereby to initiate our reunification into the bosom of God, our eternal sanctuary, of love, justice, light, deliverance, and peace. 

The best and brightest should not just be about the money by kevin murray

There isn’t any doubt that America has some of the finest young minds in the world if not the very best of the very best, along with having higher educational institutions that represent the most prestigious in the world.  All of this is for the good, but it starts to go bad, when the finest minds amongst us, either gravitate on their own to an overriding desire to simply make money, or are redirected to do so, by enticements so large and lucrative that it serves to corrupt their decision making, and therefore these young brilliant minds buy into it.


The crux of the problem of the best and brightest desiring to work with private equity, hedge funds, and things of that ilk, is that these very institutions aren’t actually benefiting society, at all, despite whatever protestations that they may make, but rather they are experts at exploiting inefficiencies, and taking advantage of those that are not on the same sophisticated wavelength that they are.  In this world, so much that goes on with private equity has a lot more to do, with manipulating the game to benefit a very select few, at the clear expense of the many, which is not good for the health of that society. 


What this nation does not need more of, is more billionaires, with more concentration of capital and money in the hands of a very small elite of people and institutions, that because of that money can game the system even more to favor their interests at the expense of this democracy and the people.  To believe, somehow, that what we were born to do, or that our highest purpose, is to make money hand over fist, is a very sick philosophy.  Rather, this nation should make it a point, to see that money made without extracting a corresponding benefit to society, should be taxed at a very high level, because those that are all about the money, should pay for the privileges that permit them to make that money.


Indeed, it is a sad state of affairs, when those who seem to get an inordinate amount of good press, aren’t our greatest scientists, teachers, scholars, and the like, but are people who when we take a look under the hood, just want to make oodles and oodles of money, and do so, with the employment of very few people, while utilizing a lot of powerful and sophisticated software.  That is why, this government needs to reenergize itself, to do its best to see that more of its best and brightest develop their skills for things that have a good purpose for society, as compared to simply making money, through angles and manipulations done at a very high level.


Indeed, when we hear sayings such as "Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country" -- this seems out of place in today’s society, and apparently has been superseded by the belief that making as much money as you can, as long as you can, for the good of one’s own person, is a good thing.  In other words, to believe somehow that great nations are created by great selfishness is belied by the very fact that great nations are actually created by great sacrifices and by great visions enabled on behalf of the people by the leadership of the best and brightest of that nation.

Being true to the Constitution by kevin murray

When it comes to social studies and civic duty that all citizens owe their nation, the very first thing that would come to mind would be our own personal fidelity to that Constitution. In other words, in order to appreciate the freedoms and rights that we have, we need to recognize that the seminal document in America, is the written Constitution, so ratified, which is the Supreme Law of this land. So too, one would think, therefore, that those who are our elected representatives, would be, absolutely faithful and true to that Constitution, but regrettably, we see demonstrated at the highest levels of governance in this nation, far too often a betrayal by those legislative representatives, as well as by judges, and even including the Executive Office, to that Constitution – not to mention peoples and enterprises that actively work to subvert such for their self-aggrandizement.

This is supposed to be a land of, for, and by the people, of which, the objective of having the Constitution that we so have, is to defend and to protect our unalienable rights. Yet, we seem to have a situation, in which, those who should know better, aren’t interested in the people and their rights, but seem to be by their actions and by their words, interested in seeing that the population is manipulated and controlled through that governance for the benefit of institutions which when properly defined, represent the military-industrial-technology complex, which is frequently detrimental to the freedom and the rights of the people.

While there are those people, that prefer to be told what to do or are only too willing to time and time again, to trade their freedom for security – that isn’t what the Constitution was structured to enable. In fact, the Constitution is clearly a document that defines what our government is, and how it is structured, and thereby limits the government in what it can or cannot legitimately do through that Constitution. For those, then, who are not satisfied that the government does enough, there is then an Amendment process to that Constitution, which can be availed of.

In truth, everything that the general public really needs is contained within that Constitution, for the purpose of this governance, is to provide fairness and equality for all, and that therefore having provided a level playing field, it is thereby up to the individual or that society of individuals, to make good on the opportunities thus presented to them. That is to say, the Constitution protects the rights of the people, but it is up to the people to make something of their own self, and not the burden of the government, to manufacture that for them. Indeed, the Constitution is meant to assure justice for all, never to be a respecter of any person or entity, for only through the law and services of the government, being non-favorable to any and non-prejudicial to all, is that government being true to the roots of its Constitution. So then, this is why the government has certain specific powers to assure the general public that those powers will be prudently exercised for the benefit of the people, in whole, fairly and transparently exercised.

The insanity defense should be abolished by kevin murray

The thing about criminal behavior is those that who commit crimes, often do not want to be held to account for those crimes – therefore, not too surprisingly and in consideration that lawyers can be quite clever, at some point in jurisprudence, we find that an innovative defense for a crime having been committed, was the insanity defense, best defined as being germane to the case when the perpetrator committing a given crime, lacked the mental capacity to comprehend the nature of the act that they had committed, through an incapacity of their mind to correctly process and perceive reality.

While it is true that not all States permit the insanity defense, it is also true that the vast majority of States do, as well as the fact that on the Federal level, the insanity defense is also valid. Of course, in our jurisprudence, some specific conditions must be met for an insanity defense to be sanctioned, of which, when those conditions are met, then another avenue is created, in which, depending upon circumstances, could amount to the defendant being found not guilty by reason of insanity, or if the defendant is found insane to thereby be not competent to stand trial, as well as other various exceptions.

Look, it has to be said, when it comes to a criminal trial, that trial should be exclusive as to whether or not a crime has been committed, and in regards to the defendant’s state of mind, that should only be addressed when it comes to the sentencing aspect of the case. In other words, a trial should determine the guilt or innocence of the person so accused, and if there appears to be a question as to the mental capacity of the now guilty party, that should be a separate process, which should only determine whether or not the guilty party spends their incarceration in a prison or in a mental facility. What should not ever happen though, as has happened, is those that are deemed insane, and at some future point, but well before what the crime would have called for in regards to incarceration time, are released from that mental facility, for they have now been “cured.”

Indeed, when jurisprudence determines that those who lack mental capacity or are considered to be insane should be treated differently in a court of law, as compared to everybody else, then we do not have equality under the law, but rather some people are treated differently with the attendant outcome being different, which isn’t fair. The point of a criminal trial should be to ascertain guilt through a jury of one’s peers, and after that has been determined, the mental capacity, or the lack thereof, can be debated. As it stands, there are plenty of people that aren’t really right in their head or in their thinking, but when their actions, are criminal and harm the other, then they should fairly face the consequences of that action, and to the degree that our institutions can help alleviate mental illnesses, so much the better, but this should only be in conjunction with the penalty for a criminal action being fairly paid.

“We Repeat What We Don’t Repair” by kevin murray

It has been said that “we repeat what we don’t repair,” which represents thus those words of wisdom that all of us need to take to heart, because that which we don’t correct in the here and now, is surely going to come back and revisit us in an inconvenient and unwelcomed way. So then, the best plan of action when it comes to character faults of all types, that we are consciously aware of, is to get our mind right to resolve to correct what needs to be corrected. No doubt, there are going to be those troubling items that are definitely in need of repair, but when we do not have the wherewithal to actually remedy such because it is so overwhelming for us, we need to understand that in those types of cases, it behooves us to recognize that climbing a steep mountain, requires, not only time, determination, and energy, but also the wise use of those resources, done consistently over an extended period of time to reach the pinnacle. After all, bad habits of long-standing, which being in need of repair, are seldom going to just disappear because we wish them to be gone, but are going to necessitate a valid plan of action, and then the persistence and determination to pull it off, without wavering in our drive to do so.

Then there are those others, who either wittingly or unwittingly, don’t bother to repair what needs to be repaired, because either they are blithely unaware of there being a problem, or they don’t feel the urgency or need to repair it. Indeed, in those situations in which we have no interest in repairing our character faults, because we don’t perceive them as actually being faults that need to be corrected, just keep those faults ever more ingrained within our persona, and therefore when it comes time to repair such, to do so, will require even more effort from us. After all, the best time to take care of a problem is before it becomes even more of a problem, and so our procrastination or unwillingness to do the right thing will end up making us prone to repeating the same types of mistakes, that we should have already learned our lessons from.

In life, there are slow learners, as well as those who will not change what they need to change until they are dropped to their knees, and even then, their resolution may waver, when they seemingly get a reprieve from the suffering that they had been experiencing. To believe somehow, that doing the same sorts of things which bring results that are not beneficial to us, is somehow going to change, when we change nothing in our character, is foolishness. In order then to make progress to get to where we should go, we need to do the very things that will accomplish that task, and therefore to stop circling back to the same sorts of errors, we need to recognize the pathway that our decisions are taking us, and if we aren’t making positive progress, then resolve to do so, for at the end of the day, the destination that we arrive at, is ours to own, and those that don’t repair what has to be repaired, are essentially left well behind.

A $100 bill just isn’t high enough by kevin murray

What a lot of people don’t know is that the United States, used to have denominations of bills higher than $100, for it had $500, $1000, $5000, and even $10000 bills, that were legal tender, which are still legal tender but have not been printed since 1945, as they were all discontinued in 1969. The thing is that, tells us that the value of $100 back in 1945, would be the equivalency of $1752.83 in 2024, so our eyes do not deceive us, for inflation has taken away the value of $100 considerably in the interim. Quite frankly, it’s fairly common for people to spend over $100 just for groceries, and well over $100 for entertainment, as well as restaurants, and even filling up the gas tank can approach nearly $100. This would presuppose that $100 just isn’t a high enough denomination when it comes to cash, and while in many a case, people are utilizing non-cash instruments such as credit or debit cards more and more, there is many a person that likes to or prefers to spend actual cash, instead.

Further to the point, is that when it comes to larger denomination bills, there is a sort of bragging right that some people can generate by simply having a large amount of cash on their person. In other words, to show somebody one’s checking account with $5000 in it has little or no impressive value to other people, but when one fans out fifty $100 bills, it seems impressive. This would thus signify that to carry in one’s wallet, a $500 or $1000 bill would be quite notable in its own right, especially when nobody else has that on their person.

No doubt, the government printing office isn’t going to issue higher denomination dollar bills anytime soon, and would probably use the dual excuse, that higher denominations in dollars would be aiding and abetting criminal enterprises, along with the fact that cash use, is in steep decline. But what of it? The fact of the matter is that $100 is not a high enough denomination, to take care of certain expenditures, and there is that satisfying feeling that certain people get, from having big denominational bills in their billfolds. Additionally, let’s face it, inflation is not going to go away, so year after year, $100 is going to buy less and less, so that, why not have this government issue $500 and $1000 bills on a limited basis, in the knowledge that not only would these bills be put to good use, but also that certain people wouldn’t spend them at all, but would simply purchase these large denomination bills as a collector’s item, which basically would represent the government printing money for nothing, since to purchase a $500 bill would cost the consumer, $500, but since they aren’t going to spend it, that tradeoff would be beneficial to the government.

So too, it isn’t like this government hasn’t tried different denominations, such as the $2 bill, but that never caught on because it just wasn’t necessary, for it just seems like a weird denomination; whereas, a $500 or $1000 bill printed in a limited edition, would sell out immediately.

The decline of racism by kevin murray

While there are plenty of people who point out obvious things that prove that racism still exists in America, and is arguably systemic and persistent in nature, it has to be noted, that the racism that is experienced today, is far less invasive than it was back in the day. Indeed, the trajectory of racism in this nation, is clear, which is that racism is on the decline and will not ever make a comeback within this country. So then, what should be fit for discussion is the reasons for the reduction of that racism.

The first reason for the reduction of racism in America comes forth from Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, so issued on January 1, 1863, which was subsequently soon followed by the critical Amendments of the 13th through the 15th, which thereby laid the foundation for those that were formerly enslaved to have the same rights as those that white people had, who previously were led to believe through the notorious Supreme Court decision, that blacks “… had no rights which the white man was bound to respect.”

The second reason why racism was reduced in America, is from the Executive Order signed by Harry Truman in 1948, which mandated that all people in the military must be treated equally, which subsequently led to the actual integration of the military. In consideration, that soldiers are considered to be a “band of brothers,” this basically meant that reluctantly or not, whites and blacks, were going to have to learn to trust each other, and to have each other’s back, because in any military affair, those that are joined at the hip as a fighting force are going to be a heck of a lot more effective, than those that are loggerheads with one another.

The third reason for the reduction in racism comes to us via the sporting world, in which the color line was broken by each of the major sports leagues, most notably, with Major League Baseball, and Jackie Robinson in 1947. The thing about sports fans is that they are not only territorial in rooting for the team that they support, but they also have a great desire as fans to see that their team win, and when their team has a black man, they are thus presented with a dilemma, which when answered correctly, reduces racism, because it isn’t consistent to root for your team which has black men on it, but hate them, off the field.

The fourth reason for the reduction in racism is the passage of the Civil Rights Laws in 1968, which in consideration that the Federal government cannot itself be seen as racist, signified that federal jobs would be fully integrated, and thereupon those formerly precluded from private enterprise jobs, because of their race, found that the federal government, was a fair sanctuary for them, providing them with secure jobs and good pay, regardless of their skin color, or religious faith.

So then, what we find is that when the government, of, for, and by the people, secures the rights of all the people, and that those that provide sporting entertainment, employ those that will give their team the best chance to win, racism is reduced, because a more integrated society, makes for a less racist one.

Faith and reason by kevin murray

As might be surmised, faith and reason aren’t the same thing, and certainly we do so find in Western nations, that our educational system of what governance considers to be of import centers almost exclusively around reason, above all.  That is to say, we are meant to look at the world rationally, and thereby to measure and to learn what we need to learn through our rational mind, which thus brings us insights into the nature and being of things, and provides us therefore with the opportunity, to make progress, in the sense of not only ever improving knowledge, but also the modern-day conveniences invented and manufactured that so many of us, pretty much take now for granted.


While it is true that we should be appreciative of all the material benefits that we have accomplished and obtained over the last two centuries, it has to be recognized though, that despite all the growth in our economy, and all the accouterments added to our arsenal, that at the end of the day, people and the societies that are made up of those people, don’t seem to be all that much happier or satisfied than they were before these modern day conveniences came into existence.


So too, we are taught oftentimes to ignore our intuition, and basically all those types of things that cannot be measured by human instruments, and to concentrate instead upon that which can be reasoned upon, and reasoned out, as if this is the most important objective of our lives.  Regrettably, what has been left behind, in many Western nations, is our capacity to appreciate all that is beyond our material knowledge, that if we were to pursue, would be well beyond reason – that then would touch us intuitively and insightfully, if we were inclined to pursue such, which would fairly represent the pursuit of the meaning of life, and therefore of our true purpose and thereby the truth of our existence.


That which is philosophical or religious in nature, is seen by many a person, as that which should ever be shunted completely, or engaged only on religious holidays, or within the confines of a religious institution; for many a person,  perceives religion as nothing much more than a mythology or a delusion, meant to provide us with some general comfort, but because it is outside of reason, should be properly ignored or dismissed.


Indeed, each of us falls short of what we could be and what we should be, when we fail to properly comprehend that mankind is not the measure of all things, never has been, and never will be.  Rather, all of us have been created for a purpose, and that purpose presupposes that we search for the actuator of that purpose, which must, by definition, reside outside of time and space, be immortal, and omnipotent.  Those then, that have the faith to believe that their little world is truly and comprehensively superseded by a power that can provide true enlightenment if only we would seek that Light, are the very same, that walk outside of reason, to embrace what we might call “unreasonableness,” because it is by doing thus, that they find that which is everlasting, true, and revealing.

Teenagers and their pursuit of a driver’s license by kevin murray

We read at that “In 1995, about 64% of kids aged 16 to 19 got their license to drive; by 2021, that number had dropped to under 40%.”  In consideration, that America is not known for having a very robust public transportation system, and also that in many communities, the ability to get from one place to another, through that public transportation is, with a few exceptions, not structured very well to move people rapidly from one point to another, it seems surprising that one of those seminal marks of freedom, of having the ability to get into an automobile with one’s own driver’s license, and thereby drive to a given destination, has declined significantly – yet, it has.


Look, it has to be said, back in the day, many a teenager, was absolutely obsessed about getting their driver’s license, for the ability to drive, meant that not only could they go where they pretty much desired to go, but also that they would be able to do so, in many a case, without direct parental supervision.  That, for most teenagers, signified freedom on a scale that meant a great deal to them.  However, in today’s world, the majority of 16-19-year-olds, actually don’t have a driver’s license, which is an astonishing change, especially for this nation, that is known for having a very strong love for cars and the independence that cars represent.


That said, the fact that fewer teenagers are driving probably does make the roads safer for other drivers and helps keep teenagers safer, as well.  After all, teenagers are prone to making the type of bad decisions that lead to very bad consequences, when getting behind the wheel of a car, and therefore insurance rates for those teens, reflect that they are a greater risk and therefore are priced as such.  So too, with the cost of cars, seemingly never being higher, it has to be noted, that having a driver’s license but without having access to a car, doesn’t do much of anything for a teen, especially when they know that they really can’t afford a car or the responsibility of such, in the first place.  Further to the point, it must be acknowledged that ridesharing is something, that simply didn’t exist back in the day, and many teens will avail themselves of ridesharing to get around, and in all candor, this might well make financial sense for them, because the expense of a car, insurance, maintenance, and the risk of a bad event happening to them that could result in a suspension of their license or make their insurance rates to go sky-high, will not happen when ridesharing.


Still, at the end of the day, it just seems different, when far fewer teens are driving, but the fact that there are more options available, along with having friends, siblings, or parents, that can take them from one place to another, seems satisfactory for many a teen.  Perhaps, overall, this is a good thing, and if teens aren’t complaining about not having a license, or don’t seem to have the urge or desire to get such, it seems to say that the kids are alright, with or without a driver’s license.