When it comes to social studies and civic duty that all citizens owe their nation, the very first thing that would come to mind would be our own personal fidelity to that Constitution. In other words, in order to appreciate the freedoms and rights that we have, we need to recognize that the seminal document in America, is the written Constitution, so ratified, which is the Supreme Law of this land. So too, one would think, therefore, that those who are our elected representatives, would be, absolutely faithful and true to that Constitution, but regrettably, we see demonstrated at the highest levels of governance in this nation, far too often a betrayal by those legislative representatives, as well as by judges, and even including the Executive Office, to that Constitution – not to mention peoples and enterprises that actively work to subvert such for their self-aggrandizement.
This is supposed to be a land of, for, and by the people, of which, the objective of having the Constitution that we so have, is to defend and to protect our unalienable rights. Yet, we seem to have a situation, in which, those who should know better, aren’t interested in the people and their rights, but seem to be by their actions and by their words, interested in seeing that the population is manipulated and controlled through that governance for the benefit of institutions which when properly defined, represent the military-industrial-technology complex, which is frequently detrimental to the freedom and the rights of the people.
While there are those people, that prefer to be told what to do or are only too willing to time and time again, to trade their freedom for security – that isn’t what the Constitution was structured to enable. In fact, the Constitution is clearly a document that defines what our government is, and how it is structured, and thereby limits the government in what it can or cannot legitimately do through that Constitution. For those, then, who are not satisfied that the government does enough, there is then an Amendment process to that Constitution, which can be availed of.
In truth, everything that the general public really needs is contained within that Constitution, for the purpose of this governance, is to provide fairness and equality for all, and that therefore having provided a level playing field, it is thereby up to the individual or that society of individuals, to make good on the opportunities thus presented to them. That is to say, the Constitution protects the rights of the people, but it is up to the people to make something of their own self, and not the burden of the government, to manufacture that for them. Indeed, the Constitution is meant to assure justice for all, never to be a respecter of any person or entity, for only through the law and services of the government, being non-favorable to any and non-prejudicial to all, is that government being true to the roots of its Constitution. So then, this is why the government has certain specific powers to assure the general public that those powers will be prudently exercised for the benefit of the people, in whole, fairly and transparently exercised.