It has been said that “we repeat what we don’t repair,” which represents thus those words of wisdom that all of us need to take to heart, because that which we don’t correct in the here and now, is surely going to come back and revisit us in an inconvenient and unwelcomed way. So then, the best plan of action when it comes to character faults of all types, that we are consciously aware of, is to get our mind right to resolve to correct what needs to be corrected. No doubt, there are going to be those troubling items that are definitely in need of repair, but when we do not have the wherewithal to actually remedy such because it is so overwhelming for us, we need to understand that in those types of cases, it behooves us to recognize that climbing a steep mountain, requires, not only time, determination, and energy, but also the wise use of those resources, done consistently over an extended period of time to reach the pinnacle. After all, bad habits of long-standing, which being in need of repair, are seldom going to just disappear because we wish them to be gone, but are going to necessitate a valid plan of action, and then the persistence and determination to pull it off, without wavering in our drive to do so.
Then there are those others, who either wittingly or unwittingly, don’t bother to repair what needs to be repaired, because either they are blithely unaware of there being a problem, or they don’t feel the urgency or need to repair it. Indeed, in those situations in which we have no interest in repairing our character faults, because we don’t perceive them as actually being faults that need to be corrected, just keep those faults ever more ingrained within our persona, and therefore when it comes time to repair such, to do so, will require even more effort from us. After all, the best time to take care of a problem is before it becomes even more of a problem, and so our procrastination or unwillingness to do the right thing will end up making us prone to repeating the same types of mistakes, that we should have already learned our lessons from.
In life, there are slow learners, as well as those who will not change what they need to change until they are dropped to their knees, and even then, their resolution may waver, when they seemingly get a reprieve from the suffering that they had been experiencing. To believe somehow, that doing the same sorts of things which bring results that are not beneficial to us, is somehow going to change, when we change nothing in our character, is foolishness. In order then to make progress to get to where we should go, we need to do the very things that will accomplish that task, and therefore to stop circling back to the same sorts of errors, we need to recognize the pathway that our decisions are taking us, and if we aren’t making positive progress, then resolve to do so, for at the end of the day, the destination that we arrive at, is ours to own, and those that don’t repair what has to be repaired, are essentially left well behind.