On this planet, we live in a construct in which not only is time real, but the changes that happen to us as well as to others, are real. So too, within life in this world, there is the constant interplay between right and wrong, good and evil, and light and darkness, which provides us with the opportunity to rise up thereby to the occasion and to do the right thing or to fall. So then, for those that pass from this dimension into the next, one would have a tendency to believe that eternity might be rather boring, for after we get done reuniting with our loved ones, there just doesn't seem like there would be a lot more to do, or to accomplish, or even to think about.
This thus represents the dilemma that temporal life, structured linearly, seems to represent; and if eternity was indeed something like that, it would be boring, because without the previous interplay of good v. evil, and things of that general ilk, there is only so much interest that a soul could sustain without having a desire for some change of pace, or some activity to be engaged upon.
In truth, time does not exist outside of our earthly existence, and once we comprehend that time is not our master, but is rather an artificial construct, we then begin to understand that being outside of time and space, presents an entirely different perspective, which changes everything, and therefore because we actually exist in the eternal now, there isn't room for boredom, because our true existence is outside of time, and has always been so. So then, on this plane, the challenges that we face in this world, are structured in a way that will provide us with a testing ground, to challenge us and for us to thereby prove our mettle, which makes for a compelling battle.
The then necessary information that we need to take to heart will thus enlighten us so as to acknowledge that eternity really isn't going to be about being inclusive to just those that we have known and wish to reunite with, but rather, it is actually going to be a recognition that we are not our ego, that we are not even who we think that we are, but rather we are an essential part of the One, who is indivisible, immortal, impregnable, and unchangeable. This signifies that all that we see and have been a part of, as real as so appears to us, here, or even as believable as we are sure of, has been created into existence through the vision of God, of which, out of the One there was begotten the many, with God knowing that within this game of God's mind, that those many would return to the One, through the master play of the Master of it all.
Indeed, the only possibility that eternity would not be in its own way unendurable, is the elimination of the illusion of time and space, which permits us thereby to initiate our reunification into the bosom of God, our eternal sanctuary, of love, justice, light, deliverance, and peace.