There are a fair amount of people who have not been able to find their purpose in life, or haven’t bothered to investigate such. While it is true that we can do all sorts of things with our abilities, it is also true that we should have an abiding focus that we should concentrate our efforts on, of which, that focus should be about not only bettering ourselves to be a benefit to those that we congregate with, but also to perform good deeds, which will definitely be a benefit to the society that we are an active member of.
In life, there are going to be many opportunities to express our dissatisfaction with all sorts of things, which while having its place, often doesn’t do much to ameliorate or to correct that which requires such amelioration or correction. This signifies that to complain about this or that, often doesn’t get us any closer to resolving what needs to be resolved or worked upon, so that, it would behoove those that tend to complain, to complain less, and instead do more by contributing their labor to dealing with the problems that are ever present, and could use their blood, sweat, and tears to make progress upon.
While words have their place, there are far too many people that have the knowledge so needed, or can see where things can be improved, but fail to ever put their words into action, and thereby do not help to accomplish that which would represent a step closer to making progress by taking action, so that, there comes a time, when enough words have been spoken or heard, and thereupon action is required, or else, nothing will be accomplished that could and ought to be accomplished by the participation of our needed good labor.
So too, those that want to strengthen their character, can accomplish this with plenty of aplomb, by devoting themselves to the doing of good deeds, for by virtue of performing good acts, and seeing the results thereof, reenforces that what they do actually does matter, which thereby encourages them to do even more, for having seen that their efforts have resulted in contributing to the good of that community. Additionally, we typically lead best by example, and those seeing that we do put action behind our wise words, are the very same that will respect us more, for that action, and may themselves be positively influenced to do some good deeds, as well.
So then, the problems that we have in any society, need not only to be identified, but also need to be worked upon, step by step, in the sure understanding, that intractable problems are going to take not only concentrated effort to resolve, but will necessitate unrelenting effort and resources to do so, best done by those that perform their good actions, big and small, in a way and manner, in which the overarching desire is to help make society a better place for our good participation in it.