Regrettably, wars and ongoing battles of all sorts, promote far too often essentially the very same thing, which is that there are certain humans that we do not recognize as being human. Therefore, when we dehumanize them, it makes them far easier to deal with in the most violent, torturous, and aggressive manner. That is to say, whenever the other is treated as something that is less than what we believe that we are, and therefore not deserving of their unalienable rights, because they don’t apparently have any unalienable rights, then it's easier to do all sorts of nasty things to their person, mainly because they aren’t looked upon as being fully human, or even human, at all.
Indeed, the danger of today’s high technology is the fact that the further distance that we are from what we are trying to kill, as in when we are situated in a remote room or are using a drone, or things of this basic sort, to target and thereby to kill a human being, and further to the point are prone to the utilization of words that do not even describe the killing of another human, as such -- but rather has been replaced by targeting the enemy, and then neutralizing them, thus seeks to absolve those that are participants in this killing, as actually not being killers, though they are.
So too, anytime we dehumanize the enemy in order to take on the mantle that we are the righteous ones and that our mission is one so needed to protect our people and our nation, then what we have to accomplish may become a slippery slope, since those that we are killing aren’t often considered to be fully human. This thus signifies that as long as humankind continues to dehumanize one another, wars and violence will continue along the same course that it is, presently, because without respect for one another, the pathway for this sort of violence is wide open.
The tragedy of this day and age is no matter how demonized a person becomes, they are, in essence, still human, and therefore those that encourage such demonization or buy into such, have done this to their own psychological detriment, if nothing more, because the taking of human life, should never be something that is seen as some sort of game, or is something that is welcomed, but should be seen for what it is, an event to avoid unless it must be faced, and when faced, done so for the necessity of that time and place.
The human race has existed too long for it to continue to play mind games with one another because it doesn’t like another society’s race, creed, or habits, and instead to understand that each of us is fairly entitled to the same unalienable rights, and those then that uphold those rights, for everyone, are expressing what humanity correctly represents; whereas, all those that do not, have failed to recognize that when we take away the humanity of the other, we do it also to our self.