Just about everyone desires to make themselves look better than what they really are, which is why we see some pretty stark inconsistencies between certain people who profess to be one thing, but by their behavior, belie that in their subsequent actions. To know what we ought to do, and to claim to others that we do those very things, but in actuality, not to do what we ought to do, despite knowing better, designates that individual as being someone who lacks the discipline and ethical courage to do the right thing, despite knowing better.
We are, in essence, the things that we do, of which, to fairly evaluate anyone shouldn’t be done on the level of what they say, or what they profess to believe, but rather should come down to pretty much what they actually accomplish, for in the end, words are just words, beliefs are just beliefs; whereas, what we do does in actuality, tell the tale of what we really are.
This thus signifies that we not only should not judge a book by its cover, but we shouldn’t judge a person by strictly what they say, for rather we should be determined to discern as to whether a given person’s actions are consistent with what they profess to believe and thereby adhere to, and when there is an inconsistency in this, we should recognize that one’s actions speak louder than one’s words.
Indeed, there are plenty of people who have sensible beliefs, and express the right words on how we should conduct ourselves, but when push comes to shove, or for other reasons, unknown, they push aside that sensibility to do stupid things that are unbecoming of someone that really knows better, but somehow can’t seem to do better than what they end up doing.
In this world, it isn’t good enough to say the right words or to even have the right thoughts, because the way that we express ourselves through our actions, demonstrates whether we have taken to heart, what we ought to do. So then, those that lack the discipline to do the right thing are the very same that either need to amend their character or if lacking the moral rectitude to do better, lean upon others that will help them to stiffen up their spine. There is no shame in asking for help, for that is what a society is made for, to help and to aid one another, so that together, we can help make society a better place for our good participation in it.
As they say, talk is cheap, for talk does not in and of itself get anything done, which is why what we do is so important, of which, the first step is knowing what we ought to do, and the second step is to go about to get it done, because in those accomplishments, we prove to ourselves as well as to others, that we mean what we say, and we say what we mean.