Evolution without a Creator / by kevin murray

What we find presently is that especially in Western nations, there is the orthodox belief that all that we see and observe has somehow come forth from nothing into something, and that this something is in a never-ending process of evolution.   The problem with evolution isn’t so much the theory behind it, though that has its problems, but rather the fact that as propagated by Western nations, there is the belief that there is no Creator, or Master Designer, behind life and all that life represents.  This means, for instance, that the Declaration of Independence, the seminal document for the foundation of the United States is fundamentally flawed when it states “… that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights…” for it so follows that this is therefore, for all those that believe in evolution without an Intelligent Designer, a fable and no more.


Indeed, whenever governments formally determine that we have evolved from other more primitive forms, then this therefore indicates two things -- the first is that there is no life after death, for death is the annihilation of the physical body and since the brain resides within that physical body, the very existence of the person ends.  The second is that within governance of all sorts, humankind has no unalienable rights because humankind was not created by a Creator; therefore, whatever rights that we have are always alienable, and are therefore at the discretion of the governance that we so have.


Now, that we understand the fundamental foundation that evolution is based upon, it becomes easier to understand why governments, are so eager to embrace the evolutionary theory without God because it thereupon provides for those same governments the impetus to be the masters of its citizens, in which there is no higher authority that the people of a given nation can appeal to or believe in. That is to say, whatever the government declares to be right is right, and whenever that same government declares that a previous right is wrong, or that a previous wrong is right, the people somehow must accept that as the new doctrine.


So too, without a God, there is no definitive truth.  Rather, each of us has our own truth, subject to the vagaries of life.  So then, in short, there is never going to be agreement or harmony as to what our objectives are within a civilization since there is, in fact, no common ground to stand upon, other than what is propagated to the people, which is itself, subject to change.  Not surprisingly, this leads to not only the dissatisfaction of life as experienced under that sort of governance but is also at odds in regards to the reality of what life and the meaning of life are actually about.  Indeed, to believe in evolution is one thing, to believe that evolution did not involve an Intelligent Designer is the reason why despite great material progress, humankind is often so dissatisfied, for humankind yearns for meaning, and when our God is dismissed as an irrelevancy -- then chaos, hatred, discord, and incivility will be the result, for without a God to keep fair score, everything is permissible.