The strange phenomena of unemployment / by kevin murray

The main problem with unemployment is the fact that in good times or bad, there always seem to be those who are unemployed as well as those who have essentially given up on finding work, who aren’t even counted per governmental statistics regarding unemployment as unemployed but are seen instead as discouraged workers, which seems like a semantical way for the government to portray unemployment at a lower level than what it truly is. 

 It would be one thing if unemployment represented the fact that everything that this nation needs concerning such salient things such as infrastructure, teaching, healthcare, and so on, was essentially at the level in which no further work or employment was needed as all these activities were thus operating at full efficiency and had no room for improvement, along with being additionally staffed sufficiently for maintenance and other purposes.  Yet, when we take even the most cursory look at America’s decaying infrastructure, the state of its education, and of its healthcare, all of these areas of interest, are not even close to being at full efficiency, which begs the question as of why this nation isn’t setting up various Job Corps institutions to address these vital needs.

 It has to be acknowledged that every time and every day, in which, those who are unemployed are basically just sitting at home, or are up to no good or similar, thereby signifying that work that could be done for the betterment of society, is not being done, that this doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.  The thing about work is not only does it keep those that are employed busy, but it also provides those people working with income as well as the satisfaction that they are accomplishing tasks which are of merit; whereas, for those that are unemployed, the very fact that they are unemployed not only feels and seems to be debilitating for them, but it also makes them to typically feel that they are not of value.

 Indeed, this nation should take unemployment much more seriously, and do more to address such, by creating programs that will not only help in those areas in which labor is necessary to correct such, but will also give purpose to more people that essentially are living lives of no purpose.  Further to the point, the more people who are unemployed or have to rely on governmental handouts to survive, places therefore more weight upon those who are employed to carry these non-performers day after day after day.

 In sum, from a citizen's perspective, it is always disappointing to see that our roads and other infrastructure which definitely need to be repaired or upgraded, of which, the repairing or replacement of such, appears to be of a low priority,  doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, especially when there are plenty of people as well as the necessary materials to address these issues, available.  Indeed, to pay in one form or another a stipend or its equivalency to those who don’t work, when they are capable of working, appears to be misguided, and seems to be out of sorts with the fact that there are notable tasks to be addressed, which require the labor from those that are currently unemployed.