Overcoming struggle and difficulties makes us a better and a more complete person / by kevin murray

There are plenty of people that simply want to have an easy life, and thus for everything to just then to go their way, effortlessly.  What those people don’t seem to recognize is that when life becomes one of endless ease, then that life soon becomes one of dullness and boredom.  In other words, if there is nothing to struggle for, or to measure ourselves against, then there is a strong tendency for many a person, to thereupon not put forth much of an effort, at all – and should then that person be put to the test, because of some sort of emergency or crisis, they probably will not be able to exhibit the proper wherewithal or energy to resolve such, satisfactorily.


Those that do not wish for struggles and difficulties, have for the most part, decided that they are not made of the “right stuff” to thereupon conquer that which needs to be overcome, in order to prove their worth, and to thus create good character.  The whole purpose of all the tests that we so have to take when we are students in our respective classrooms, is to properly measure as to whether or not we are correctly learning and therefore absorbing the knowledge that we need to know, so as to be a more complete and better person.  This thus signifies, that the difficulties that we will inevitably encounter in life, are meant not to be obstacles that will forever keep us down, but rather should be seen as an opportunity to test our mettle and when successfully met, to obtain fairly that prize of meaningful accomplishment.


We are in this world, not simply to tread water, or perhaps to lazily lie upon the seashore; but rather, to grow and to thereby become what we were placed upon this earth to be.  Those that will not meet what needs to be met, have not only done society a disservice, but they have done so to their own detriment, as well.  When we go to the movies, or read a novel, we do so find, that what provides us with a compelling interest in the show or storyline, is seeing our hero, overcome seemingly impossible obstacles and difficulties so as to conquer what stands in their way, of individual and merited triumph.


Alas, there is no triumph for any one of us, if we aren’t actually trying to endeavor or to accomplish something in which such is challenging to us.  Those then that cannot find a challenge are clearly not looking hard enough; whereas, those that seem to have too many challenges, just need to try to break down what is precluding them from overcoming into smaller sizes, so that the task ahead becomes more manageable and less intimidating or formidable. 


In life, we will be tested, willingly or not; and there then will be struggles that must be successfully met.  The objective for all of us, is to do our level best to overcome what is in front of us, for those that are resolute, will more times than not, make that necessary progress to get ever closer to that which is rightfully theirs, for the taking.