There are a multitude of ways to travel from one place to another, of which, to a very large extent most traveling, with the exception of some very dense cities, is done above-ground, so done through walking, biking, vehicles, buses, waterways, airplanes, and things of that ilk. While there are many advantages to traveling above-ground, there are also some major disadvantages, as well. For instance, that which is built above-ground is typically going to have to deal with all the complexities of other people so being in the same general vicinity, in addition to all the other forms of transportation in the area, as well as buildings that occupy space, and then there is the infrastructure of all sorts, which thus in total, lends itself to all the delays, interference, and collisions that can occur when all of these various things, are compelled to interact with one another. Further to the point, that which is built above-ground must also deal with the weather, which can, in and of itself, create dangerous and damaging conditions.
The first convenience of having a given structure being built underground, is that, we do so find that pretty much for the most part, that weather is a non-factor; in addition to the salient fact that the natural insulating properties of the earth, lends itself to a temperature that is neither too hot or too cold. Additionally, when it comes to a form of travel, those that build things underground, have the ability to tunnel under rivers, or to tunnel under or through mountains, and basically also to not be overly concern about interfering with any of those structures that have built above-ground. So too, though structures for habitation or for storage or for security can also be built underground, for the most part, a lot of that which is currently underground is specifically built as a way and means to transport people readily from one place to another, such as through a subway, a tube, a metro, or an underground railway system, which because these forms of transportation don’t have to worry about pedestrians crossing their pathway, or weather-related events, or of any of the basic obstacles that we so find above-ground, makes for a very efficient means of transportation.
It seems that we are so used to building above-ground, that society has somehow failed to recognize that buildings aren’t limited to having to be built above-ground, but can at least have a meaningful portion of such be built underground. So too, far more infrastructure of all types could be engineered from the get-go to be structured underground, as well as also prioritizing that more transportation be built underground. Also, in consideration, that each year we see more and more people moving from rural or backward areas into megacities of all types, it thus behooves society, in general, to take into fair consideration that a ready solution to accommodate all these peoples in a more efficient way, is the better way to go, of which, more underground usage of all types thus needs to be planned and subsequently accomplished for our transportation and logistical needs. In short, we should build more underground, which will make for a better and more efficient usage of all the space that we so have.