The writing never ends until every story is told / by kevin murray

People like to talk or to tell stories for a lot of reasons, some self-serving and some in service to others.  When we take into account human nature, a lot of those stories so told or written seem to be based around that person wanting to say something that means something to them, and therefore they aren’t necessarily looking for constructive criticism, whatsoever, or even necessarily for any feedback, but basically desire to have, more times than not, just an echo chamber, that thus makes them feel better about themselves and their situation.  In other words, a lot of stories that we so hear are meant for us that are the listeners to confirm to the speaker that we are in agreement or in conformance to what they have just said.


Then there are those more meaningful stories, that are really meant to make us think, to ponder, and to discuss seminal points of such, that thus merit our attention.  After all, if each one of us, had already figured out what life in its totality is all about, and knew such cut and dry, then there wouldn’t be that many stories that would could ever possibly pique our interest.  Yet, for the most part, there are almost always opportunities to grow and to learn, which is why some of the stories that we read and hear are of real interest to us, because ultimately they help us to become better as a person, or at least present us with the opportunity to become so.


So too, when we read or hear something of interest that we disagree with, this presents us with the opportunity, to delve into such a subject deeper so as to ascertain whether our initial impression seems to be correct or whether such is in serious need of a re-evaluation.  Those then, that are not totally fixated in their ways and thus have an open mind to at least listen to what others have to say, have the opportunity to thereupon grow, or perhaps,  to bring to the attention of the other, why their thinking may not be correct, and should thereby be re-examined.


We write and we talk to others to not only get our personal point of view across, but also it presents us with the opportunity to shed light into those areas in which perhaps there has been darkness previously.  So too, if everything so previously written or told was considered to be non-debatable, and thus absolute established fact, there wouldn’t then be much of a need to say or write much of anything more.  Yet, it has to be said, that if we take the time to examine our own life, we recognize that there are usually those critical moments in which our thinking about a subject matter of some import, has over a period of time, switched from one side to the other, signifying that there is always validity in questioning the orthodox, and examining the prevailing opinion of the time, as well as the important value of the constant utilization of our mind so as to have our valued say.