In western societies, we are surrounded and inundated with all sorts of “come-ons’ that are meant to make us to believe that no matter how long we have been doing the wrong thing, and thus suffering the consequences, so of, that if only we would wake up and avail ourselves of this one magic pill, or this one surgery, or this one this or that, that not only will all be well, but that we would be thus magically transformed, seemingly forever. Perhaps, in some cases, this indeed does work, but the reality of the situation, is that the progress that we make in this world, is based primarily upon a sound foundation of good precepts, that we thus adhere to, and we make it our point to be true to, each and every moment of our day.
For instance, take a tree, such as a mighty oak, this tree did not suddenly become mature and strong within a day or even a week, but rather, day by day, it developed itself, slowly, inexorably, from a young sapling into something of real substance. So then, recognize that as a tree goes through stages, and then continues to grow and strengthen for decades upon decades, that the same sort of progression is ours to avail ourselves of, by applying ourselves to those necessary and good things, day by day.
In truth, there are no shortcuts to growth in our essence, for what we so have and make through our own efforts, we have fairly earned. Each of us is called to grow, and those that consistently ignore that calling are the very same people that regress and thus do not progress. So too, those that recognize that calling at a later age, have then lots of ground to make up, for those that have missed their opportunity to improve themselves, must now work at double-quick speed to catch up to where they really should be at.
The choice of what we do or do not make of our respective lives, is solely ours to make. While there are, for many a person, a legitimate excuse for why they have slipped and fallen, to thus rely on those excuses as being then the reason why a given person has not made something of merit with their life, isn’t going to do much for them. The race that each of us is meant to run, or to walk, does not have the same starting line for all, for that is the nature of this material experience on this good earth; of which the variety then of circumstances that we so see, thereby makes for a far more interesting and compelling experience, for all.
Remember this well, each of has been gifted with free will, of which, the choices that we thus make, whether or not we wish to own up to, are ours and ours alone. Those then, that consistently choose well, and thereby progress in the right direction, are getting ever closer to the only destination that ultimately matters; whereas, those that do not, are stuck within a construct, in which, essentially, only they can walk themselves out of, by lifting their head up, and walking, step by step, to the Light.