Society should be fairer than what it currently is / by kevin murray

We would like to think that the human social experience is one in which there has been a steady progression to enlightenment, in thus how societies should be best formulated and actualized.  Yet, regrettably, to a very large extent, countries such as the United States, clearly have regressed in just about at every meaningful level, when it comes to having a society that is fair in its structure and thereby in its results.  It isn’t so much that American policies haven’t had enough time to demonstrate their effectiveness, but rather America does not even try to encourage, let alone, desire to actualize, a society that is based around seeing that as many of its citizens, as possible, are provided with the required tools so necessitated to have a fair shot of living in a safe neighborhood, with a good public school system, and sound infrastructure, along with plenty of good economic opportunity for those that have steadily applied themselves.


The bottom line, is that America pretends it is a land of opportunity, it pretends that it is a land of justice, along with fairness, and of equality for all, but it, in reality, isn’t any of those things, at all.  For the most part, those that are born into poverty of every sort, cannot count on their government, or even most members of society, at large,, to lend a true helping hand on behalf of them, because that supposed government, of, for, and by the people, cares not a whit for them.  This is the proximate reason why there is so much trouble in America, of which, those problems appear to be unsolvable – leaving those that live within those problem areas, to their own means to make something of substance in their lives.  So too, this is why an inordinate amount of monies is dedicated  year after year to ever more  law and order, and thus to all the forms of oppression so enacted against the most defenseless, misunderstood, and un-championed of society. 


Those that know that they have no future and hence are filled with hopelessness, are seldom going to be “good” citizens, because they have nothing vested in the American dream, for they have little or no hope of having any part of it, themselves.  The preferred answer for this American governance, in regards to the poorly educated, and the forsaken, is primarily to keep them in ghettos of poverty, thereby making it so much easier for governance to monitor, to abuse, and to manipulate them.  The fact that the United States is clearly on a course in which these difficulties will not only never be rectified, but in all probability, will continue to be exacerbated, is a fair reflection that this government has no solutions, because it cares not to solve that which could be solved – of which, the resolution to such, is to provide to all Americans, the fair opportunity to become something of merit, by seeing that each American is fairly provided with decent housing, good public educational facilities, safety, opportunity, and the proper incentives for these people that have consistently been treated as second class citizens or worse, to become that which they always had the capability of being, which is members in good standing, of the society that they should be an integral part of.