Those that are blessed with many privileges have corresponding responsibilities / by kevin murray

In the scheme of things, life doesn’t appear fair, in the sense that some people are born with privilege or seemingly entitled to so much; whereas, there are those others that are born with so little and are seemingly entitled to not much of anything.  The truth of the matter is, that each of us, has our own race to run, of which, it is our responsibility to do the best with what we have in the running of our respective races.  So too, there is a balancing in life, in which those that are gifted with a lot are expected to do something substantially good with their gifts; whereas, those that have been denied such gifts, are expected to do basically the best that they can, in consideration of their circumstances.


For all those that have many privileges, and spend nary a minute, in consideration of all that is wrong and unjust in this world, that is their free choice.  Yet, as might be expected, there are consequences for every choice that we so make and when those choices are consistently wrong, selfish, and misguided, there will surely come a fair reckoning in which each of us, on our own, must then answer to who and what we really are, and what we have or have not done with our life.  That sort of judgment thus takes into consideration, the expectations that each of us has been graced with, whether great or something far, far less.


The rights and privileges that have been bestowed upon us, are our responsibility, to own up to in the way that we thereby interact with one another.  That is to say, for those that value free speech, free assembly, and freedom of movement, they need to respect those very same freedoms for all other people, even when they might so disagree with the choices so made, because the nature of freedom is that each of us is equally entitled to these rights, as opposed to believing that only the privileged or the elites of this world, are worthy of such liberty.


The nature of governance, consists of a basic structure in which a small subset of the people are going to have a lot of power over others – in which, when it comes to governance, that power is supposed to be utilized for the beneficence of the people, as representatives of those same people.  Additionally, in our relationships with other people, we have a responsibility to take into account, that we should treat other people, the same way that we would desire to be treated if the shoe was on the other foot.  That signifies that we need to own up to not only our responsibilities to do the right thing, but to simply be fair to one another, in consideration that the best society is that in which there is justice for all, and without special set asides for those that are privileged, in which the same sets of rules do not apply. 


In this world, we will be tested, and those tests can come in many forms, of which, one of those forms, is for those that have everything, to demonstrate that they have the wisdom to do what needs to be done in order to help make this world a better place for their participation in it, and to know that whatsoever they do, to thus hold themselves accountable to it.