World War II and the changing face of domestic labor / by kevin murray

Wars always have intended and unintended consequences, of which, America, was still suffering from the pangs of the Great Depression, when World War II broke out; of which, that war necessitated a military force as reported by, of “…12 million men and women…of whom 7.6 million were stationed abroad.”  Not too surprisingly, in consideration that so many Americans of a young age were now stationed abroad and in reflection that the population of the United States in 1941, was approximately 133 million persons, this thus meant that jobs previously held by white men, or historically set aside for white men, would have to engage women as well as minorities, which so did happen.  In fact, we read at, that “…employed blacks rose from 4.4 million in April 1940 to 5.3 million in April 1944,… By 1945 more than 8 percent of war industry jobs were held by blacks, up from 3 percent in 1942.”


So then, with women and minorities being employed in the war industry as well as for other industrial jobs, of which, those jobs typically paid a fair and living wage – this thus signified that previous jobs so held by those same people, of domestic help, agricultural work, and things of that sort, would have to thus offer those that remained in such positions, a better overall compensation package, or fear losing such to better employment opportunities.  In other words, there is something to be said of the idiom that a rising tide does indeed rise all boats, big or small, which is what so happened via World War II.  Further to the point, once businesses became cognizant of the competency, productivity, and skills of women and minority workers, they soon recognized that these people, previously ignored or marginalized, were quite capable of putting forth an honest day’s work for an honest day’s wage.  This thus indicated, that owing to a significant extent to World War II, this was the proximate reason, why the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s, saw the strong emergence of and the strengthening of the middle class of America, which was far more inclusive, than previously known.


In truth, it is in those days of labor shortages, that businesses have to seriously consider putting together compensation packages that are of better benefit to those that they so desire to employ.  Also, it is healthier for the economy when the money so being made is not held primarily by a small sliver of the population, known as the elite; but it is better for that economy and its growth when more of that money has been distributed into more hands; because, a very rich person can only eat so much, and only buy so many clothes and other accouterments, to use such on a regular basis – whereas, we find that on the other hand, that those of the middle class and below are only too happy to expend the monies that they so earn upon those necessary things, as well as to earmark, when so able, a certain percentage of their earnings to the purchase of a home.


The satisfaction and the growth of the economy of a nation, has a lot to do with the opportunity, as well as in the fair distribution of the monies so being earned – for whenever certain segments of the population are effectively treated as 2nd class citizens or even worse, makes not only for a very bad brew, but makes that country and its people, less than what they could and deserve to be.