The sleeping prophet, Edgar Cayce, tells us that: “For you grow to heaven, you don't go to heaven.” In the western world, mainly because of its material success, as well as the fact that it has its footprints all over the globe, there is a tendency to believe that the western world thus has all of the answers that humankind could ever consider to ask. Further to the point, based upon the commercial advertisements that we so encounter each and every day, in which, these advertisements, make it their point to emphasize that all we could ever want is contained within the particular product so being marketed, that it therefore becomes almost second nature for many of those in western nations to believe that whatever that it is that they so need for satisfaction, is always going to be something that is readily available to them, if only they would buy this or buy that. Yet, that isn’t true whatsoever, and never will it be true, for lasting happiness and satisfaction, whether in this world or beyond, cannot ever be simply purchased and never will that be so.
We do so find, that the way that the Christian religion, for instance, has been often disseminated or distorted to the people, at large, is that there seems to be a general belief by the public, that they can do all the sinning that they so want, and perform as many bad actions as desired, if they will only accept finally that Christ is their savior, and hence be not only forgiven of all their sins and errant ways, but thus be eligible to go to Heaven, as well. For all those that mistakenly believe that there is some sort of shortcut or a way to “game” the system to get into Heaven, without essentially having to change the content of one’s character, this is fundamentally untrue. No one just goes to Heaven, for Heaven, is a destination that can only be earned by developing or rediscovering the skill-set so needed, that is in harmony with God’s good commands.
To believe that Heaven, pretty much accepts anyone at any level, at any time, is nonsensical. For the very problems and unresolved issues that we had in this world, we bring with us to the next world, and when those character traits are thus not in accord with love, empathy, compassion, justice, truth, and forgiveness, then it really isn’t possible or conceivable that we can successfully enter through the Holy Gates. Remember this well, that which we truly value, we work very hard to achieve, and further to the point, we will not relent until we achieve that very goal. This then, signifies that to reach Heaven, we must grow and develop ourselves in a way and manner that is heavenly in our demeanor and by our actions, forthwith.
The world that we exist in, is structured for us, as a proving ground – so meant to test us and our worth in the cauldron of sacred fire. The challenges we face are meant for us to overcome, and until we prove our mettle, again and again, we will not make it to Heaven, for Heaven is a destiny so meant for those that are conquerors and not for those that are the conquered.