If everyone wanted to be a leader, there would be quite a bit of chaos and civil unrest, because there are only so many slots available for leaders to fill. Fortunately, the amount of people that want to be a leader aren’t all that many – in fact, one could argue, that there is definitely a dearth of good leaders, and that therefore because of the lack of well qualified and good leaders, this presents its own problem; as there are unfortunately, plenty of ambitious people that want to lead, but are doing so pretty much for their own benefit, and often at the expense of their devoted followers, or of society, in general, or both.
The fact that not every leader is a good leader, is the very first clue, that we should be careful as to who we do or do not follow. After all, each of us is gifted with our own mind, of which, it is our responsibility to utilize our mind so as to develop the skill-set to think for our own self. Further to the point, we need to advance far beyond just believing everything that we so hear, read, and see, as if we have no capacity or desire to discern the reliability, truthfulness, or validity of what is so happening. We are not meant to be credulous citizens, that question nothing, and accept everything – for if that was the case, then we would be better suited to just be automatons and not human beings.
That said, there is no shame in being a follower of a leader of real merit– especially when we realize that we do not have the time, energy, or capacity to lead the line, our self. Often, in life, in order to effect change, there is a necessary need to join together with like-minded individuals, of which, each of these individuals brings something of worth and merit to the table, and from those many hands, joined together, a cause can rise to the forefront, especially when it is led by a dedicated servant to that cause, who is unrelenting upon achieving that which must be done so as to effect meaningful change.
Nevertheless, a wise and prudent person, must not be hesitant to question the authority of even the cause that they are following, because it is important that those that are agitating for change, stay focused upon the purpose for their cause, originating in the first place – for there has been many a leader that begins with the best of intentions, of which, subsequently through their and their followers’ actions this eventually devolves into the bastardizing of what was so intended, which thus undercuts the purpose of the agitation so enacted and is thus detrimental to all so involved. In short, before we decide to follow someone or to join up with a particular group, we should want to know what the driving purpose of the agenda actually is – and periodically we need to thus ask our self this very salient question: is what we are so following and participating in, bringing us closer to that which we first proposed to accomplished or is it taking us further away?