Ethics and science / by kevin murray

As mankind becomes more advanced, in many ways, it is recognized that science, has the capacity to change not just those things that we deal with on an everyday basis, so that these things will be beneficial for our desires and needs, but that science at this stage, has the very ability to change some fundamental aspects of life, itself.  For instance, without modern science, procedures such as in vitro fertilization would not exist, and those human babies coming forth thereby from in vitro fertilization would not be in existence.


This awesome power signifies, that scientific mankind, has an absolute obligation, to never in the scientific world, to simply have the attitude of "full speed ahead", but must on the contrary, understand that science has an absolute ethical obligation to be subservient to that which defines us as humanity, or else science has devolved into the error of the belief that science has the absolute right to create, without restraint, things such as Dr. Frankenstein's monster.


At this point, science is truly on the razor's edge, for in many aspects of life and the pursuit of what life is, science has the power to make quite meaningful change; but just because that power and that choice exists, does not mean that science should pursue such, without being bounded by a higher duty to do right by mankind, itself.  So then, the highest duty that all aspects of science has in their scientific pursuits is the recognition that the field of science was created, for the sole benefit of mankind, and not therefore to make mankind subservient to science, but for science to be of noble service to mankind, always.


This means that those that believe that man's natural curiosity and pursuit of all things, scientific, need not and should not be constrained by its higher duty to mankind and to ethics in general, is wrong-headed, and such a belief in and of itself, can be a clear and present danger to society and its good future. Again and again, far too many people of uncommon brilliance aggrandize onto themselves, that such supreme intelligence that they thereby have developed and utilized, in conjunction with the fact that they are accorded free will and freedom, indicates that they, alone, or with like-minded constituents, should not be stopped by anyone or anything in regards to the apparent progression or path that they are on.


As it has been said, those that make haste, in which a sound and prudent mind, considers instead the ramifications of their discoveries and their implications, are the very people that can upset the balance of what makes life and humanity, sustainable and ethical.  It must be wholly and fully acknowledged that while any subject matter can be abused or wrongly used, that it is science, above all, that pushes the envelope of the progress of mankind in a manner in which something that may appear to be on the surface of benefit and of aid to mankind, has behind its façade, quite horrifying implications, that have not been properly vetted.  So then, science, in order for it to be of good service to mankind, must always recognized that it must ever be the servant to, but never the master of, mankind.