It would seem that just about everybody, believer or not, Christian or not, is familiar with the story of Eve and Mary. The difference between the two women can be summed up in the difference between that which is disobedient and that which is obedient. To be disobedient is a choice, freely provided to us by God, of which, while we are free-will individuals, there are obviously consequences for making decisions that we have been warned about, and then thereby choosing to ignore such a warning, which is exactly what happened when it came to Eve. Eve was told not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil, but that is exactly what she ended up doing, of which, as a consequence of that action, humankind suffered. On the other hand, Mary was told not to fear God, and that she was to be gifted with the honor of bringing forth our Savior, of which, Mary was chosen not only because of her impeccable behavior and mindset, but also because Mary consented to being chosen, thereby demonstrating the righteousness of obedience to God, and delivering those from their previous error onto the pathway of ultimate salvation.
The lesson to be learned from the above is that though God does not control us, and has truly provided us with free will, it is though up to us, as to whether we will utilize the gifts so bestowed upon us, for the betterment of our fellow compatriots, or whether we will ignore such, to serve our own self-serving interests, along with making the mistake of deliberating forsaking God’s word, to surrender ourselves into wrongful temptation, and thereby to suffer the consequences for removing ourselves from the sanctuary of God’s goodness and grace.
Indeed, everything that we think, do, and say, has consequences, for that is the way that this material world has been constructed. Those then that insist that they must have their way, and know for a certainty, the difference between right and wrong, in addition to obedience and disobedience, but insist upon doing what they desire to do, nevertheless, are going to fairly pay the price for sinful disobedience, for God will never be mocked, because God is not only love, but God is also justice, and that which is wrong, must somehow be bent back to where it becomes right, again; which is why whenever there is a failure, there must in the skein of time, be a subsequent success, in order to thereby get back to not only the way that things were but the way that things must be.
We are brought into this world, to learn our lessons, and to thereby apply successfully those lessons so learned, day after day, and thereby each of us will be tempted, and tempted again and again. Those then that do the right thing, are those that are obedient, and those that do not, are disobedient, and the twain shall never meet, until that time that disobedience not only recognizes the error of its ways, but corrects such, until the end of time.