There are plenty of people who declare that they deeply desire to know God, but often their thoughts and actions belie that very thing. Then there are those others that declare that there is no God, as if they, somehow are omniscient, when they surely are not. Recognize this well, everything that we see and ponder upon comes forth from our omniscient God, and there would be absolutely nothing, in fact, a total void, if not for God – so that, those that have the audacity to declare that God does not exist, are unthinking and non-contemplating fools.
Yet, just because we are aware of God’s existence, does not correlate necessarily that we truly know
God, for most of us, see dimly, whereas to know God is pure illumination, and therefore the only way to know God at a higher level is to forsake our ego and our earthy desires to contemplate instead upon that which is our Creator, above all. In other words, a few prayers now and then, or some aside thoughts about God, aren’t going to be good enough to reach the level that we need to be at. Though, that said, to know what to do, and to do right, is in its own way, a sure and steady way to know God better, and should be part and parcel of our being.
In truth, we look at this world and wonder why so much of this world, and the society that we are an integral member of, lack the very attributes that would make for peace, harmony, goodness, and justice. The proximate reason why this is so is that humankind believes that it, and it alone, can solve all problems and take care of all things – or another way of looking at it, is that the collective ego of humankind believes that the world and society are a better place for everyone to just go about their personal business in an endless loop of competition, betrayal, desire, lying, and deceit, as if this will progress humankind, at all.
Indeed, the problems that this world presents are the exact same problems that a hard-headed and stubborn child represents, for far too many people want things to be their way, and have a conniption fit when they don’t get their way, never seeming to realize that it is those desires that abut against other people’s desires that make for the disharmony that we experience, day by day. So too, all those who complain about God never seeming to do much of anything, by ignoring their petitions and prayers, seem to believe that God has no wisdom, and no omniscience, for they are disappointed when their demands and wishes are unmet. Rather, it would behoove humankind to comprehend, that to know God, is a process that takes time, concentration, and determination – of which, the better effort that we make in understanding God and the attributes of God, the better we will comprehend that God always gets it right, so that therefore the pathway to knowing God is one of righteousness, justice, fairness, patience, contemplation, and loving compassion, above all.