Paid informants are akin to witness tampering / by kevin murray

It is a truism, that when it comes to paid informants, or those fairly paid for their regular work, that we find that seldom are people like that willing to bite the hand that feeds them.  In other words, for instance, paid informants, by definition, will behave in a way and manner in conformance to what those who pay them, desire from them.  This thus signifies that paid informants, should they be allowed to testify are not going to tell the truth, and therefore what they have to say, is colored by the fact that they have been paid and thereby coached or trained to say what their operatives desire out of them, not only for the compensation that they have received, but also in many a case, for leniency to their own crimes or misbehavior.


In a court of law, witness tampering is against the law; yet, paid informants, as witnesses, are essentially being coerced or pressured into, or have an implied agreement, to testify a certain way, to please those that are providing a benefit to them, which is essentially witness tampering.  To believe, somehow, that those informants who are in quite vulnerable positions, will in a court of law, testify to the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, is a false construct.  So then, when it comes to paid informants and the quid pro quo deals made with such, these informants shouldn’t be permitted to testify whatsoever in a court of law, nor should their statements be the basis for the arrest of an alleged perpetrator.  Indeed, the fact of the matter is, that paid informants, are a tool that the police use, that will permit them to take an unethical shortcut in bringing charges against an individual for their supposed criminal activity, by that informant saying what needs to be said, in order to help bring a charge or conviction against someone else, when the evidence to do so, is sorely lacking, except for this timely but corruptly paid informant testimony.


In life, you get what you pay for, so that, people who are on the periphery of society, and who have their own problems, are going to be in a rather poor position in which they will therefore be susceptible to being bought because they have their own needs to be fulfilled and care not a whit about truth or justice, for they have decided to sell their soul to get some perceived or necessary benefit.  Indeed, for all those who believe that as long as it is disclosed that the informant received this or that, for their testimony, that they should therefore be permitted to testify as if their word is worth anything of merit, have got it all wrong, for to permit that which has been coerced, rehearsed, or structured in a way that is meant to be the means to convict another, isn’t right, because the reliability of such, is highly suspect.  Rather, paid informants, have no place to play in our justice system, and should be seen as nothing much more than “damaged goods” in a court of law; for a court of law is supposed to be about the search for truth, and paid informants are virtually never true and never will be