There are many things that humankind could do to help make this world a better place but somehow they fail to do so, time and time again. The proximate reason why this is so is basically that often those who are in the most influential and powerful positions in society, are the very same, who consistently ignore that small, still voice within, and instead believe and thereby behave in a manner that all that really matters, is this material existence, and therefore have just an ordinary consciousness, and thereby ignore or put to the side, that their real origin is divine.
Indeed, either we have been created as spiritual beings by our Creator, temporarily housed within a physical body, to thereby allow us to prove our loyalty and wisdom to that which created us by doing good one to another; or we can fundamentally ignore that, and pretty much see this world any way that we so see fit, because as free-will beings we are permitted to do that very thing. However, those who turn away or turn off the voice of God, and therefore exist solely upon their own consciousness, have made a decision that could have serious consequences for them and those that they interact with.
Certainly, one of the main objectives that we should have here on earth is to search for truth, and in that search, we need to thus honor that truth, and by doing this diligently, we will re-open the door that permits us to comprehend that our true existence should strive to be in harmony with that which created us, thereby signifying that all that we say and do that’s in conformance with our Creator, is good, and that which is not, is going to be primarily in error and will present us with troubles, that must at some point, be successfully dealt with.
There are far too many people that are enamored of this world, but spend little time, contemplating the Creator of such, and thereby the purpose of such. In this world, we will be tested, and tested thoroughly, and those that are cognizant of this and wish to pass such a test will thereby conduct themselves in a way and manner that will be beneficial to not only their own self but to society, at large. On the other hand, those that consistently ignore this, or prefer to not pay close attention are going to be prone to making the types of errors, which will be of consequence to them, which is their loss, for the avenue of enlightenment is freely available to all.
We live in a world, in which, those who overly identify with the physical and the enticements that gravitate them to certain behaviors, are going to lose, because they are concentrating on the wrong thing, for humankind, too often, has through their own volition or ignorance, chosen to fall into ordinary consciousness, and thereby have forsaken that which is eternal, in preference to that which is temporal, and many of those, will only recognize their error near the end of their earthly existence or not at all. It is to our lasting loss when we don’t recognize who and what we really are, for that of which we are made, is eternal and has an everlasting innate desire to re-align itself consciously with its immaculate Creator.