The world is often an unfair and unequal place, of which, there are some that proselytize that this is the way that it has to be, especially in consideration that what we get out of life, is not only what we put into life, but also that in capitalistic societies that there are going to always be unequal outcomes, for such is necessary in order to incentivize those that are the innovators and entrepreneurial, over those that do not have the same sort of mindset, or are content with their basic lot in life or just don’t have the right stuff.
In actuality, few would quibble with some getting more and others getting less, if the overall societal pie, was constantly growing, and the table that humankind thereby eats at, was basically inclusive, and not exclusive. Yet, when we take a good look at society, we readily comprehend that the fairness, and equality expected under the law as well as opportunity, does not, in the biggest matters of importance, actually exist.
We find that there are those who are quite adept at exploiting humankind, and apparently have no real issue in doing so, despite the fact that all of us are equally created by the very same Creator, and therefore one would think, deserving therefore of our fair consideration. Rather, the exploitation that goes on, starts firstly, by what humankind has relied upon, again and again, which is not great ideas who time has come, but rather force, done through the state or corporate interests of such, through the aegis of the military, the police, private security, and things of that general ilk. In other words, when the people are rising up in protest against, for example, their work conditions, or overall fairness, the response far too often is not really to listen to their complaints and thereby come to some reasonable accommodation, but the preference is to sustain the exploitation and force those that will not conform to conform.
Additionally, we live in a day and time in which the coin of the realm, is money, as issued by the government, and those who have fair access to such, are best able to live decent lives; whereas, those who do not have fair access to such, or are constantly short, are left in a highly vulnerable position, which makes them much easier to exploit and to take advantage of, because half a loaf, is always going to be better than no loaf at all.
Finally, humankind suffers from all sorts of foibles, of which, those who through the modern-day usage of social surveillance or who just pay close attention to the habits of others, are best able to exploit those weaknesses, so that if distraction is the preferred method of disengaging someone from complaining or protesting, then mindless entertainment of all sorts is provided to them, at a very cheap price. When that isn’t enough then governance makes sure that licit and illicit substances are readily available that will capably addle the mind, thereby providing those that are weak with that which will, placate or neutralize them and therefore preclude them from rising up.
Indeed, until the exploitation of the other is legislated out of existence, or reduced considerably, those seeking life, liberty, and happiness, will invariably come up short, again and again.