Knowledge needs to become insight / by kevin murray

There are plenty of people who know a whole lot about many things, but aren’t though gifted with the insight that such knowledge should present to them, mainly because they have not deeply thought through the point of that knowledge, or because they do not care to continue down the path that will bring them the necessary insight that they really need to know and therefore is of value not only to their own self, but to society, at large.


There are indeed many people who know the literal meaning of many things, but do not care to understand the inner meaning of what those things really represent and how important they are for our continual advancement and enlightenment.  In life, there are many steps to take to get to the destination that we are supposed to reach, of which, that destination does not ever change in any way, form, or manner, but even though this destination is within fair reach for anyone so desiring to put forth the consistent effort to get there, we find that to our dismay, few can break through to that ultimate insight, which therefore means that humankind suffers through the same sorts of mistakes and errors, generation after generation, without change.


Indeed, while humankind understands that we are all created by the same hand of God and that therefore we are created equally in the image of God, surprisingly few, though, are subsequently interested in knowing what this truly means, but rather prefer to spend inordinate amounts of time in divisiveness, arguments, selfishness, and other bad traits which serve to divide us as a people, and therefore precludes us from reaching forth to that which will bring us everlasting peace and sanctuary.


While it is good to have strong knowledge about many things, for it helps us to better understand the world as it is, we have got to recognize that such knowledge always has an end-game, of which, that end-game is for us to know that the purpose of our life here, so as to ascertain the full measure of what we are not only supposed to know but the application of such, for the betterment of the society that we are an integral part of.


It is wise to remember that as children, there is only so much knowledge that we can absorb, for we have not yet developed the capacity to absorb and to understand all that we need to comprehend so as to obtain that higher awareness.  Yet, the steps that we take as children help us to build the foundation so necessary to climb ever higher into the awareness that this world has definite meaning and purpose, of which, that meaning is for us, to be in harmony with our Creator, by behaving in a manner in accordance with God’s good attributes, and that by doing so, we will understand that our essence is eternal in nature, which signifies that those that are incapable of seeing beyond the physicality of humanness to our ultimate spirituality and soul, are missing the forest for the trees.  We are meant thus to be paragons of virtue, helping to bring out the good in the other, in the sure recognition, that by this insight, we bring light to where there was formerly darkness.