Walking it back / by kevin murray

There are those people who when caught in an outright lie or in a prejudicial statement or in a disgraceful act, somehow can’t find the courage or honesty to ever own up completely to their mistake, but rather their preference is often to “walk it back” by downplaying what has so occurred, and basically excusing it in one form or another, that seemingly then takes care of the issue at hand, though, in truth, it does not.


In a fair and just world, those who do stupid and regretful things, but then hide behind equivocating words or try to place the blame on someone else or some other entity, and therefore aren’t ever willing to truly face the music, for what they have so done, are dishonest people, that we should be reluctant to trust, because those that will not admit to their faults and errors, especially when caught red-handed, are people that lack integrity.


That is to say, those that walk it back from their ill-advised words or bad behavior as if this somehow rectifies what has been said or done, have got it all wrong.  No doubt, all of us have said and done stupid things, of which, those with integrity then are going to be the very same, who won’t mince words but will own up to what they said or done, and then make it their point to take corrective action in order to help ameliorate such, if that option is still available.


The fact that so many personages of high authority are somehow permitted to walk back that which they have said or done, with this being considered to be acceptable, reflects this country and its moral code as being in a steep decline.  It has to be said, for the most part, walking it back, shouldn’t be permitted, for words once spoken or deeds once done, cannot be undone; therefore, the only just solution to mistakes and errors that have been made is to own up to such, which demonstrates character as well as the determination to do better in the future.


So too, whenever we see people in authority, who are permitted to walk it back without suffering some sort of just punishment, it’s then only fair for those watching such, to determine that they too should be accorded the same sort of option, as well.  Yet, that doesn’t seem to be the way that society works, for those that are the least amongst us, are almost never permitted to walk back anything, and instead must face the full fury of the law, exercised against them for their wrongful behavior.  This thus bespeaks the main problem with walking it back, and the hypocrisy, so of, which is that those of a certain class, or of privilege, or of power, are apparently allowed to say and to do whatever that they desire, often without having to suffer the fair consequence, because they alone are permitted the second chance to amend their error, by simply walking it back, though in actuality, in their persona, they haven’t walked back a thing, and therein lies the rub.