The supreme importance of immortal truth / by kevin murray

We live in a day and age in which an appreciable amount of people in Western nations, seem to clearly be descending into confusion and self-delusion in the belief that somehow there are multiple truths in this world, all of which are legitimate, and therefore all of which, is therefore true.  Besides the quite obvious fact that this is utter nonsense, we have to keep in mind that those who will not take the time to discover the one Truth are the very same who will not progress in their development but will undoubtedly be subject to regressing in such.


In life, each of us has a solemn duty to find what it is that actually actuates our true being, and in that finding, we will not only become enlightened, but we will know the truth.  That said, to know the truth of our existence and our purpose therefore, is not though enough for us to become what we were always meant to become, but this though does provide us with the required pathway to circumvent the imprisonment of sin, by recognizing that only in truth is it conceivable that a conscious being can truly be free.  In other words, those who know and live Truth, are not going to be sinful and will not be in error, for by knowing Truth, they are aware that it is that truth that sets them free from the errors and the ignorance that others have fallen prey to.


Indeed, how much time is wasted by those who expend their efforts upon not only that which serves no good purpose but also on that, which is counter to God’s good laws.  For certain there are many a person who believe that they know what is really going on, but in actuality, haven’t a solid clue, and because they are devoting their time and energy to a false construct, they end up making little or no progress to achieving something of merit.  It has to be said, there is no higher devotion that any person can perform than to seek out the truth of their existence, and once that they know that, to be harmonious with that truth.  After all, there are plenty of people and entities, that actually know the truth, but do not use that knowledge for good, but prefer instead to stir up trouble.


Undeniably, all those who sin and commit error are those who either do not know the truth or have deliberately chosen to defy such to their own detriment.  While one might think that to be free, is to have freedom of choice, to do good or to do bad, this miscasts freedom as a pathway that diverts from truth and cannot then therefore be right.  Instead, those that are free, are only those that are without sin, because being without sin, they are thus intimately connected to Truth, and immortal Truth is that which provides us with the sure knowledge that we are no longer suffering from that which diverts us from the only Entity that provides us with not only eternal sanctuary but also the immortal love of that absolute Truth.