Lording over others / by kevin murray

Indeed, there is a natural tendency for many a person to fall into the rather bad habit of lording it over others, as if they and they alone, know what is best, and if they and they alone, know who is more important and of value.  The salient problem with lording it over others is not only the fact that those that are being dominated or belittled or going to be resentful of such, but also that one person has thus made themselves superior to the other so that there is never going to then be a true meeting of equals in that type of scenario.  Further to the point, those that lord it over the other, have a very strong inclination to believe that what they are so doing to the other, is basically right, because they contend that this is the natural course that events have taken, and they simply are following through on that.


No doubt, people are not the same the world over, for we come from different backgrounds, different parenting, different schooling, and so on and so forth, of which, those who believe that the milieu that they are a part of, is somehow superior to the other, will have no real difficulty in acting the part, if they do not seemingly possess the capability to reflect that all human beings are created equally and of which, each human, is thereby entitled to the same unalienable rights.  Rather, those who believe that they are superior find it rather easy sleighing to dismiss those that they consider to be inferior as therefore being less than they are, and hence exist to be subservient to that which is superior.


In life, the things that we do, day by day, make us believe that therefore what it is that we are accomplishing is always thus within the natural order of things, because if we did not believe that, this would create a constant conflict within us which thereby would trouble our mind.  Our preference, especially for those who are doing well and of which their life is on a preferential course, is to believe that our actions so taken with others are thus consistent with the regular order of things.  This signifies that for those who are dominant, and therefore content with the status quo, that they aren’t typically considering changing much of anything, because all is good for them.


Certainly, it is always easier to keep doing what we are doing, if we believe that this is the natural order of things, especially when what is so occurring, is favorable to our position.  In fact, there are many a person, who can cite all sorts of reasons, as well as even Scripture, that support their position, because they have no interest in keeping their mind open that perhaps their viewpoint is debatable, or even wrong.  For those who lord it over others, the biggest crime that they commit, isn’t really their behavior, though that is wrong, but rather the inconvenient fact that for them, they don’t consider what they are doing to actually be wrong.