Our sinless God / by kevin murray

There are a lot of people who truly have not spent much time pondering upon the question as to how our immaculate and sinless God, of which we are the creations of that same God, seems somehow to have made some sort of fundamental error because of the salient fact that humankind is quite obviously sinful in many an area.  The best way to answer that question is the recognition that firstly there cannot ever be any sin contained within God, nor is God ever capable of sinning; yet, God’s created beings, seemingly do sin.  So, in furtherance to the answer, it has to be recognized that what we call sin, is better adjudged to be human error, committed by those that have apparently lost track of who and what they are in essence, and because of that, along with the free will that they have been gifted with, humans have thoughts and corresponding actions which are not in accordance to the good attributes of God.  These errors then, are considered to be sinful, because they are unharmonious with God’s ever-perfect qualities.


So then, another way for human beings to look upon the errors that they make is to recognize that every error so made, is capable of being rectified, and will be in the skeins of time, rectified, so that our God can be made fully whole – for until that time happens in which all of the sheep have returned to God’s fold, God will never rest, because there will not ever be any permanently lost sheep.  That which God created, is good, and all that is good will return to the good, for that is God’s law, and cannot be violated or overturned.  It is then our solemn duty to first of all, look upon our behavior and the thoughts that construct that behavior so as to understand whether or not we are performing actions that are in accordance with God’s law, and to the degree that we are not, we need to make amends for that, for not to do so, is an error, which is considered to be sinful.


The physical body that so many of us are prone to overly identify with, is provided to us so as to live on earth. Still, that body is not the be-all and end-all of our existence, for that could never be correctly represented by the body, but rather this is represented by our soul.  Those who are too bodily focused, upon bodily needs are the very same that get lost and therefore are sinful.  So too, those who are overly focused on feeding their human ego have done so to the detriment of their soul.  The objective of the exercise here on earth is to do our good part to not only become enlightened ourselves but to help enlighten others so that we not only will get back on the only pathway that matters but also aid others in their return to that pathway, as well.  The sinfulness that we participate in, is that born of error, ignorance, and willful disobedience to that which is right – which will be overcome when our right thinking, creates the right behavior, and we liberate ourselves therefore from sin by embracing that which is forever sinless, instead.