Understanding salvation / by kevin murray

There are all sorts of people that have a basic idea about salvation, mainly having to do with the salient fact, that salvation is a very good and a necessary attribute to achieve, but seemingly don’t know the process to achieve salvation, except to believe it comes from the outside, in which, because of our devotion or our catechism, we are thereby blessed by God, and thus achieve salvation.  Perhaps this is the way that salvation works, but if we examine such, more closely, and understand better the mission of Christ, as well as other insightful avatars we will recognize that the very point of Christ when he was amongst us here on earth, was not really for Him to bring salvation to the people, though He did, but rather to awaken people to the fact that the salvation that they so richly desired, was possessed within their being, to begin with, and therefore it was up to them, to actuate such, to bring thus the necessary enlightenment and lasting salvation to their soul.


That is to say, everything that we need to have in order to have a successful and fruitful life is contained within us, and it is our obligation to do our fair part to activate such, by the conscious recognition that the salvation that we so seek is ours for the taking, if only we would make the consistent and constant effort to obtain such.  After all, Christ was only here upon earth for a very limited time, of which His mission, wasn’t really to hold our respective hands until we crossed the finish line, but was instead to provide us with the necessary tools to find our way back to that sacred place to where we always have belonged.  It is, in our effort, that we earn our way to salvation, as opposed to it being something that is just granted to us, simply because of our devotion.  Indeed, it is vital to be devoted. Still, we also need to have the wherewithal to utilize that devotion to accomplish something of merit, or else, we haven’t truly done what we could have done, to make not only our life more meaningful and of purpose but to help make society better for our participation in it.


It is our duty to awaken our slumbering soul, to recognize that we are not just some sort of physical body, but are in actuality, a spiritual being, eternal in nature, of which, it is this soul, that has been created in the image of God. Therefore, it is through that eternal soul, that we must find our salvation, or else remain in ignorance and semi-darkness.  All of the drama of this world should be properly seen as the opportunity to live and to learn from all that happens and surrounds us so that ultimately we understand that the purpose of our mission is to help one another comprehend that the prime objective of our existence here is to obtain salvation not just for our self, but also to do our good part to help others become enlightened, as well, because until we do that, we are not free, but are instead in chains of our own egotistical making.