In answer to the above question, a dead man cannot take a single physical or material thing with them when they die, though they can, if so desired, have material objects buried with them. Also, it has to be said, though a man who has departed this world can take nothing with them, they can leave behind material possessions, money, and things of that sort to friends and family, so it could be said that those who are the dearly departed, can leave behind something of tangible worth to others, but for a certainty, they can take nothing with them to that undiscovered country.
Indeed, while a dead man can take nothing physical with them, what they do so carry to the dimension beyond is their soul, and all those that have concentrated upon developing good character have thereby developed those good traits so needed to be of benefit to others, thus demonstrated through their fairness, their generosity, and their wisdom imparted to those with ears to listen and to learn, which means that these good people are the very same that have established those necessary valued spiritual qualities which will put them in good stead for what truly matters in the eternal realm.
In life, each of us is provided with the opportunity to utilize our time in just about any way that we best see fit, subject only to our responsibilities as well as our limitations in this world. Those then, that spend inordinate amounts of time upon that which is all about keeping up with the Joneses, or things of that ilk, have made their decision that what matters most for them, is the material possessions and accouterments that seem to thus represent success on this material level. So too, there are those others that have inordinate amounts of time on their hands, because they are not overly busy on much of anything, in which rather than trying to better themselves and thus turning their attention to that which will be of benefit to their spiritual development, find that their preference instead is to spend their time in idleness or the dissipation of their character.
For a certainty, each of us has been gifted with free will, of which it is up to us, what we will or will not do with this great gift. Those who have taken the time to think as well as to concentrate their mind on the meaning of life, will recognize that it is folly to build our foundation upon anything that will not stand the test of time. Instead, those of insight, recognize that what we are meant to concentrate our efforts upon is that which will bring us lasting satisfaction which can only come about from that which is eternal in nature and meritorious. Indeed, our time in this world is limited, but our time in the world beyond is limitless. Those then that prepare themselves well for that world beyond, are the very same that are fully awake and those that do not, are the walking dead.