For some of those who live in Western societies, who are themselves shelter and food secure, there may well come that time, when they begin to wonder whether or not life has any meaning. For those who haven’t pondered this question and then have sincerely wished to find the answer to such, life is an exercise in futility when we don’t have something worth living for because those without meaning in their lives are the very same that typically find themselves living lives that have only a minimal amount of positive impact for themselves as well as for others.
Those then who don’t have a good purpose that brings meaning to their lives are going to be susceptible to sleepwalking in their lives because in lacking that purpose and therefore the incumbent drive that comes from having a purpose, they have a distinct tendency to just go through the motions. After all, whenever people have the basics that make life appear to be somewhat satisfactory, that may well be good enough to keep them somewhat content in where they are at, though, they could be so much more if they concentrated their talents upon something more meaningful.
So too, it isn’t going to be good enough to just sit back and complain about this or that, and to criticize what is happening around us, if at the same time, we aren’t willing to put forth the effort to be part of the solution, by our active participation to help correct that which needs to be corrected or needs to be changed. Indeed, it’s easy to be the critic and it’s a heck of a lot harder to do something constructive to help make things better for society – for this fairly represents the dividing line between those who have something of purpose that makes their life meaningful as compared to all those who just want to talk or be idle, and thereby never to take part in purposeful action.
When it comes to our goals in life, the very first thing to note is that each of us needs to have goals in place to thus work towards. Further to the point, we need these goals to be well thought out and consistent with what drives us to thereby study and work hard in order then to obtain these worthy objectives. Those who have a prime objective in mind are the very same who are working towards something of merit to achieve, which thereby not only keeps them busy and occupied but provides them also with a purpose to go through what they have to go through to achieve that very thing. On the other hand, those who lack a clearly defined goal are those who are going to just casually go with the flow, and when it comes time for them to swim against the current, they won’t be able to generate the energy to successfully do so, because life is meant to be lived for a purpose, and those that haven’t done much to develop that purpose or to even recognize such, aren’t the type to have the right stuff when called upon.