Most people have a strong tendency when they tell a story, or their version of events, to spin such so that they are perceived by the person so listening as being in the right, or in cases in which they were harmed that they were the ones that were wronged by the other. In other words, many of us have a strong inclination to want to justify ourselves to other people, and we help that process along by disseminating our story in a way and manner that is favorable to us, and not so favorable to the other. So too, many a person that tells their story strongly prefers to do so, when the other is not physically present, so that in short only one side of the story is heard, because these people only want their side to be told, and none other.
Look, it has to be said, in important situations, when we as a neutral party have the responsibility to judge such, but only listen to one side of a story, then we have done an injustice to the other, for we have not given the courtesy or the consideration to listen to what the other party has to say, and because of that, it isn’t possible to render a fair and just decision upon it. Indeed, not only is the other side entitled to tell their story, but ideally, we want both parties to a dispute to be present, and for both of those parties to then have their fair say. Only then, will it be truly conceivable to render a fair decision.
Additionally, when we look at society, we find that one of the seminal problems of society is the fact that far too often we are inclined in this modern day and age, to just want to listen to only one side of an opinion, such as what so happens, when we only read that which reinforces what we already believe, or do the same when we listen to a favorite television program or a favored podcast. Those then, that only want to live within a construct, which represents for them, an echo chamber, are doing themselves as well as the society that they are intertwined with, a disservice, because they aren’t willing to voluntarily challenge themselves to hear what could be for them, something that is uncomfortable to their given beliefs, but yet they still have an obligation to at least occasionally do just that. Indeed, those that are unwilling to have their cherished beliefs put to a true test, are those that are blind faith believers, as opposed to free thinking individuals that have done their research and homework.
To live in a society, in which neither side to a dispute desires to give the other side, some reasonable space to state their case, is a society that will inevitably divide itself, between different factions, which makes not for a united society, but rather makes for a divided one. In a healthy society, we should want to encourage people to speak their mind, and therefore to have their say, in which within this forum, both sides have a fair opportunity to speak their piece, which provides then for the good chance to not only find common ground between these parties but also recognizes the important value of hearing the other party out.