Be constructive not destructive / by kevin murray

What we think, say, and do has a material effect upon others, for better or for worse.  This thus signifies that we need to do our upmost to consider how what we do in our interactions with others, is in sum, a benefit to them, and thereby make it our point to avoid as much as possible being harmful to others in our interactions with them.  While it is good to have good intentions, not everything that we do actually has the intended good effect and when it does not, we need to do our level best to correct such, so as to make things better.  Also, there are those situations in which for whatever reason, we are being mean-spirited to the other, purposely being harmful to them, perhaps as a form of payback, or incivility, or because we are under stress, in which, those that are considerate at heart, thus need to make amends for their bad behavior, and the sooner that they do so, the better.


As non-perfect beings we aren’t always going to make the right decisions, but right decision or wrong, we need to always own up to what has been decided, and if there are things that went wrong, because of those decisions, we ought to do what we can to try to make things right.  To be a constructive person, is to be someone that is helping to make society a better place for their participation in it, and those then that do that very thing, are the very type of people that help society become a better place for their good impact upon it. This then should be our priority in life, to do our good part, to help make this world, a better place through our good constructive actions so committed to help bring this about. 


So then, to get to that place in which we will consistently be constructive to others, as opposed to being destructive, is something that starts with the right thinking and when thereby enacted and done consistently, thus becomes a good habit, of immense worth.  For those, that lack that creativity and discipline to be as constructive as they ought to be, it must be recognized that each one of us has the capability to make the changes that we need to make in order to become a better person.  Each day, we have the opportunity to grow, to stagnate, or to regress, and when we make the effort to become better and stick to it, we are becoming the change that we desire to be, which not only makes us a better person, but helps make our interactions with others, more constructive.  Look, we have a true obligation to overcome our childish ways in which when we can’t get what we want, we whine, we strike out against the other, or we stomp our little feet, of which, all of these particular actions are destructive at their core.  Rather, we need to outgrow our childish inclinations to understand that this world and society, involves some degree of give and take, and thus we need to do as much as we can to be a constructive force in society, and thereby to let go of destructive characteristics that we have such as hate, spite, jealousy, and revenge.  Those then, that are constructive are the very same that help build people up, and freely then let go of their destructive tendencies.