Those that are at the top of the food chain, have a very strong tendency to not want their peace and serenity to be disturbed by outside forces or agitators, which is a significant reason why we have so many laws, that are thus unequally applied. The very purpose of laws such as loitering, disorderly conduct, drug abuse, and vandalism, is to provide the police officer with a reasonable pathway to find some sort of law that will apply, at least for the time being, that an alleged crime has occurred or was reasonably assumed to be about to occur, which thus provides that officer with the ways and means to take away the freedom of the suspect, and at a minimum, subject that person to questioning or far worse, place that person under arrest or else to be ticketed with a monetary fine.
Just about everyone loves their freedom to be about their business, of which, the freedom to just be left alone is something that most everyone values highly. The thing about the law and the enforcement of that law, through the policing arm of the state, is that because there are so many laws, which can be utilized at any given time for just about any reason, and of which, even when a certain law is clearly been applied against a person in a case in which such is definitely not applicable, there isn’t much that an individual can do to preclude such, when they are being accosted by a well-armed police officer, who is quite capable of taking a very bad situation, and making it far worse. In other words, to be stopped by a police officer, legitimately or not, is never a situation that people want to be in, though those that are of the favored race, aren’t nearly as concerned about this, because many police officers do not desire to make the mistake of messing with those of position, power or influence, because it typically doesn’t go over well with the higher- ups that these officers must answer and respond to.
The reason why the rich and well-placed, really don’t concern themselves with criminal law ever being applicable to them, is because they figure that for the most part, what they so do, in regards to drug abuse, illicit gambling, soliciting for sex, drunkenness, and lewdness is often done in the privacy of their own domain, and is thus not out there in the general public so as to be gawked at. Further to the point, those carrying the accouterments of success, are the very same people, that police officers do not wish to upset, unless those officers have a clear green light to do so, because officers of the law typically prefer to work aggressively in those areas of the community in which the people that they have to interact with, have no voice, no money, and no resources, to put up much of a legit fight.
For a certainty, if you as an individual are targeted by the police to be pulled over, and subsequently are charged with some sort of crime, there isn’t much that a given person can do to stop what is so occurring, because as long as there is some semblance of general reasonableness to the story so being told by the officer, those in the justice department will go along with what is so happening, because it’s a fact that police officers provide inventory and justice departments need inventory in order to justify not only their budget, but also their very existence as structured.