America has a well-regulated alcohol industry, in which, the consumer knows the alcohol content of that which they are imbibing by simply reading such on the label, and they also clearly know that the higher the alcohol content, the greater the potency of such. When it comes to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in marijuana, what we see is that because marijuana is not regulated by the federal government, but is instead regulated by each of the States that has seen such either legalized or provided as a medicinal aid to qualified patients, is that the States have pretty much determined that it is at the discretion of the dispensary as to the amount of THC a particular marijuana blend has, of which, there seems to be therefore the impression by consumers of such, that the higher the percentage of THC, the better and more powerful the high, which is quite unfortunate, because this impression is fundamentally unsound.
The fact of the matter is, as much as the marijuana industry despises being compared to alcohol, it is fair to compare the two, because both marijuana and alcohol, impair the proper and sound functioning of one’s brain, which is why both of these substances need to be carefully consumed, as compared to those that use these substances on a daily basis without compunction. Indeed, the fact that High Potency THC is readily available in the marketplace, left for consuming adults to determine whether they wish to indulge in, as opposed to those same States making it policy that THC potency on all products being sold cannot be higher than, for instance, 10% THC is an unfortunate mistake.
Look, it has to be said, it is the THC in marijuana that effects the mental state of the person so ingesting or smoking such, of which, there are plenty of people that don’t pay much attention to the potency of a given product, but simply buy what they buy, because it appeals to them, has been recommended to them, or they just have some sort of unexplained affinity for that selection. The thing is though that those that consistently indulge in high potency THC are pretty much placing themselves upon the same sort of pathway as those that are heavy alcohol drinkers, which is not a good place to be.
Regrettably, the marijuana industry has done an excellent sales job in convincing people that smoking or ingesting marijuana should be considered to be a pretty harmless activity, that provides for people, a chance to cope better with anxiety, stress, and worry or just to relax and take the edge off. But alas, there is a material difference between those that occasionally smoke marijuana and those that smoke excessively on a daily basis. The upshot is that those that are heavy High Potency THC users are not the same people that are successfully engaging with life, but rather these are people that are using marijuana as some sort of crutch, without seeming to recognize that it isn’t a crutch at all, but rather their excessive usage is inimical to their clear and rational thinking, and thus hurts them, rather than being some sort of general aid or of benefit to them.