It is highly disturbing what we see occurring at the present time within the highest echelons of our government, in which, there are certain politicians and legislators that despite being sworn to protect and to uphold our Constitutional rights, are actually deliberately doing the very opposite of such, by their relentless assault on free speech for all sorts of spurious reasons, of which, none of these reasons, makes any sense, whatsoever. It’s one thing, when the average person on the street, bewails against free speech, because perhaps their feelings have been hurt – as it is, that is though their right to complain. It is an entirely different thing when certain segments of this government makes it a point to tear down the edifice of free speech, and somehow are not held fully accountable for their unpatriotic actions.
A government of, for, and by the people, must, by definition, have free speech, free assembly, and the people’s ability to freely petition their government as part and parcel of the foundation of that governance, for if it does not, then it actually is not a government of, for, and by the people. Whenever a people cannot freely express themselves, that means that they are not able to freely think for themselves, for basically when we eliminate or put restrictions upon free speech, then we have put restrictions of what we are or are not freely permitted to express openly, and treated very much like an errant school child, that must kowtow the line as so propagated by their teacher, or else sit in the dunce’s corner, for their willful disobedience.
For whatever reason, there is a belief, held even by people of reasonable intelligence, that if we would only make sure that our speech was more tolerant, or considerate, or civil, that society would be therefore a very harmonious and pleasant place, which is why we need to limit other people’s free speech. No doubt, civility has its place, but there are those times and those places in which civility has to take a back seat to the reality that not all is fair and right, so needfully exemplified by words expressed in a way and manner in which those that are the voiceless, the forsaken, the ignored, and the forgotten, have their say.
For all those that want to live in some sort of make believe world, in which, everyone is exactly the same, like something akin to the movie: The Stepford Wives, then that could only be conceivable in a world in which free speech no longer existed, therefore providing the means to better control the people. That is to say, those that claim that they want less free speech or a restricted amount of free speech, are basically saying that they want more control of what you are or are not permitted to say and ultimately what you are permitted to do. Indeed, it is those that are biggest proponents of less free speech, who are the very same people that want to be the controllers of all others, so done in this capitalistic nation, for better exploitation, as well as for the expressed benefit of those that they do not wish to be criticized.