It isn’t possible to have a government, of, for, and by the people, when the most important, the most pertinent, and the most vital information is consistently either being held from being fully divulged to the public, or it simply isn’t on the radar to even be released. While secrets most definitely have their place, it has got to be known, that those governments that typically have the most secrets are seldom governments that are good to the people, but rather are governments that are taking advantage of the people to the benefit of those that are the actual power behind the government, whether elected or not.
It doesn’t matter much if the people have the vote, when their vote, is subject to being superseded by secret and classified decisions made behind closed doors, of which, they as a people, have no influence upon those discussions or actions. The government of the United States is so big, so vast, and so comprehensive, with so many secrets, that nobody really knows how many secrets that there are, and what those secrets consist of. After all, when any nation makes it a point to keep that which is of the most vital interest to the people and their future, as a subject not to be discussed with the people, directly, then the people are not being governed by true representatives of them, but rather are being treated as subjects to what is essentially an unelected governance.
Not too many governments have any real urgency to ever own up to their mistakes. So then, what makes governments thus desire to have department after department, and paper after paper, designated as not for public consumption, is basically not only for plausible denial, but also because they will seldom then have to worry about being called to account for actions taken that were detrimental to this nation, because those in the know, have basically been sworn to secrecy.
One could make a strong argument that we are governed by a shadow government, which is the government that we are not permitted to see or to really know of. That shadow government, need not overly concern itself with the Constitution, or when it does, it makes sure to hire the best and brightest Constitutional lawyers, to twist and turn that Constitution into a document that somehow agrees with whatever actions that this shadow government has taken or plans to take.
Perhaps this doesn’t really matter much, shadow government, or not, if we as a people, were in general, content with our status. Yet, we know that it matters a lot, because something is seriously rotten in America and its governance, demonstrated again and again, through the comparison of our country to other western nations, in which America is by far the most violent with an extremely high homicide rate, it also has a stubbornly high poverty rate, as well as a very high rate of those that are functionally illiterate.
What does matter when it comes to our governance is that the people are benefited by it, and when that government, despite the people being franchised to vote, doesn’t meaningfully address the real issues of the time so as to correct them, then it can only be surmised that those with the real hidden power, prefer their own agenda, instead.