Standing armies and military coups / by kevin murray

The one thing that America, likes to profess over and over again, is that America has stood the test of time, and is proudly still governed under its original Constitution, so ratified in the late 18th century.  As much as people desire to believe, that the governance in America will always remain stable, secure, and vibrant – because its people would stand for nothing less, is that when we take even a cursory look at the world, at large, we have to recognize that many a government that is currently in place, came forth from a military coup, directly or indirectly.  This signifies that no matter how long a given country’s governance has been in existence, that every country, including the United States, has no guarantee that its Constitutional rule will continue, unchallenged or never to be overturned, forever.


America has the greatest military might that the world has ever known, and further to the point, its domestic police force, is itself highly militarized, and of which, a significant portion of those that serve in domestic law enforcement, also have a military background.  The thing about guns, and especially for any who would be staring down at the barrel of a given gun, is that a substantial amount of those people so staring are going to be amendable to making some sort of peace, reasonable to them or not, with the entity that holds their life or their continual safety in their hands.  In other words, those that have military might, or those that have the guns and ammunition and have demonstrated not only their proficiency with such, but also their willingness to utilize such, are going to garner respect from the general public, grudgingly or not.


So then, in consideration, that we live in a construct in which “might makes right,” there isn’t anything then to actually preclude those that have firm control of the military from simply coming up with some pretext, that necessitates first martial law being imposed upon American citizens, and second, follows up such with what would be in essence, a military coup, by replacing those that are our current legislators with either more compliant legislators or doing away with such, temporarily. No doubt, since semantics are so important, this would never be described by the initiators of such an action as a coup, but rather as being the necessary action needed to be taken, for a temporary period of time, so as to properly protect and to defend the homeland.  Additionally, no doubt, military rule, would do a very good job to see that “the trains would run on time.”  In other words, there would be plenty of people, that wouldn’t mind living under such conditions, signifying that there  would probably be overall far less public dissent than expected, and hence an appreciation by many of this reconstituted law and order.


Indeed, it could happen here in America, for the military power of our awesome standing army, cannot conceivably be ever stopped by the well-armed general public, who would be significantly outgunned in fire power, logistics, surveillance, and professionalism of our well trained military force.  Those then, that believe that our President, as Commander in Chief will always have complete control of our standing army, fail to recognize that the military-industrial-technology complex is already far more powerful than we might like to recognize or to acknowledge.