First, know who you are / by kevin murray

There are all sorts of complaints that people have, as well as there being all sorts of confusion demonstrated by so many as to who and what we really are, in essence.  Look, it has to be said, if we don’t know who we really are, then it is going to be difficult to figure out where we actually belong and should be heading to.  So then, despite the siren call of materialism and things of that general ilk, the highest calling that any of us actually has, is to understand first who we are, and then to dutifully perform what needs to be performed to get to the destination that we are meant to go to.


Each of us is truly blessed, by the fact that great prophets, avatars, and gurus, incarnate onto this earth plane primarily for the purpose to lead the lost sheep to where they need to be.  Indeed, it could well be said, that the blind cannot lead the blind, but rather we need that which has the correct knowledge, to enlighten us as to what we should really be about.  While it is true, that not even the greatest prophet can compel us to listen or to obey them, they do though provide us with an avenue that will free us from the delusions and illusions that seem to bewitch us, so as to realize, instead, that we are meant to live up to our fullest potential as spiritual beings, gifted with all that we need to have in order to become completely enlightened, and thus then escape from our self-imposed darkness.


So too, it has to be realized that the point of living is not really to live in awe of this or of that, as if we ourselves are incapable of rising to that level, but rather to understand that those that are diligent, and that try and try again, so that they improve themselves step by step, can become what is innately their right to be.  In other words, that which we admire so much in the other, is ours to have, as well, if only we would put our nose to the grindstone and get about the business of being the best that we can be.  Obviously, to achieve greatness is not something that just happens, but instead is something that we must consistently apply ourselves to, so that there will thus come that time, when not only will we see the Light, but that we can also turn around, and help to re-direct other lost souls to where they need to be, as well.


There are plenty of things upon this good earth, that can distract us from who we need to be and what we need to concentrate our efforts upon.  Yet, distractions or not, we have the volition inside of us, to prioritize or not, what we should and ought to be achieving.  Those then, that are content to ride the same old merry-go-round, will thus continue to cycle into the same sorts of things, again and again.  Indeed, these are the very same people that need most the great prophets to awaken them from their lethargy and stagnation so as to take in the most important fact, that we are meant to rise well above this material plane so as to soar into our spiritual enlightenment.